Easy Card Magic Tricks That Might Interest You
Magic tricks are entertaining and fascinating to behold for kids as well as adults. Learning magic tricks gives you confidence in entertaining and impressing other people. Card magic tricks are some of the easiest to perform and can entertain a small crowd with little effort. Learning these tricks is easy as the instructions are simple and convenient to follow. If you want to be a presenter of magic tricks, read on to know some easy card magic tricks that might interest you.
Counting Cards “Mind Reading” Trick
Card guessing tricks are fun to perform and amaze your friends while passing the time. Using a standard deck of cards, you can impress your friends by seemingly reading their minds. For this trick to work, let a volunteer shuffle the cards and fan the deck up to show the cards are mixed up and are in no particular order. While you do this, memorize what the bottom card is. Next, ask your volunteer to pick a number from 1 to 10 and let them pick out the same number of cards as the number they chose (say, they choose six and they pick out six random cards). The trick here is you deal the six cards on the table yourself and secretly place the bottom card you memorized earlier exactly six cards down from the top. Place the dealt card back on top of the deck. Hand the deck back to your volunteer and have them deal with the cards and memorize the final card. You will be able to pick the 6th card or the bottom card you memorized earlier as the final card you volunteer memorized, matching the card figures and seemingly reading their mind.
Magnetic Card Trick
Surprise your friends with a magic trick that makes the cards seem to stick to your hands, even when turned upside down. You’ll need a pack of cards, scissors, and glue for this trick. First, create the “gimmick” card by cutting a small square tab at the center of the card. Glue the gimmick card onto another card with the small tab protruding. Mix the gimmick card among several other cards and show them to your friends as ordinary cards. To perform the trick, place the gimmick card as the bottom card and discreetly clasp the tab between your middle finger and ring finger. Place all the other cards under the gimmick card and fan them out. Flip your hand over and let your thumb go off the cards. Your friends will be amazed to see the cards stick to your hand.
Power of Four Trick
Another amazing card prediction trick you can wow your friends is the “power of four” trick. It requires no sleight of hand or trick card to perform, only memorization. To start the trick, you shuffle the playing cards, fan them out, and show the cards face up to let your audience know that they are in no particular order. While doing this, memorize the fourth card from the bottom (say 4 of spades), do a ripple shuffle, and return the deck face down. Let your volunteer divide the deck into two sides however they like. Keep watch which side the topmost card is placed on and go to the opposite side to tell your audience that the fourth card of that side will tell what the fourth card of the other deck is. While peeping at the fourth card on the other side, memorize its face and number (you’ll need it to repeat the trick) and then tell your audience that the fourth card on the opposite side is the 4 of spades. Your audience will be surprised at your prediction and urge you to perform the trick again. Repeat the trick using the new number you memorized from the other side.
Your deck of playing cards can be versatile objects of entertainment. They are not only used for gambling but also form astonishing magic tricks. Some of the easiest tricks have been shared here, and you might be interested to know other tricks. Still, with the knowledge you learned, you have a magic trick up your sleeve to surprise and impress your friends.
IMAGE 1 SOURCE: https://bit.ly/2VatZLN
IMAGE 2 SOURCE: https://bit.ly/3kUZBAd
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