Gaming Aimbots: How they Can Help You Win the Game

Looking at Aimbots From a High Altitude

Say you’re in a city like Denver at the bottom of a mountain range. Now say you’re in an observatory like the one in Boulder near the top of a mountain. From which vantage point do you think you’ll have the best perspective? The higher your perspective, the more you can see. Now, detail resolution will diminish. But distance won’t.

When you can get “up high”, you can see more of what there is to see. Now how does this apply to gaming? Well, in the modern world, maybe it’s not quite proper to say there are too many games; but there are too many games. You don’t have time to play them all, fully acquiring every award and feature in the game.

On Steam alone, since 2009, there have been 53,290 games released. There are only 8,766 hours in a year when you account for the six hours which eventually become the 29th day of February every four years. If each of the games on Steam were only an hour in total, it would take you 6 years just to play through them all, if you never slept a wink.

Realistically, outside RPGs, games tend to average around 6 to 10 hours. Let’s call it 5 hours. If games averaged just 5 hours, you’d have to play continuously for over 30 years, never sleeping for a second or going to the bathroom. Do that, and you might be able to experience all associated content. But then you’ve got all the games from the 70s to 2009 to play.

Working Within the Reality of Reality

So you see, there just isn’t enough time to fully round out your gaming experience if you don’t use the odd cheat every now and again, like an aimbot. With aimbots, suddenly you can expedite play, pushing through to see what is really worthwhile in associated games.

For example, this Minecraft aimbot can help you avoid the many antagonists of the Overworld through the swift resolution of their threat. That includes zombies, skeletons, spiders, slimes, Endermen, silverfish, witches, and anything else that can attack you, and which you can swiftly take aim at. Make a bow, add the aimbot, and end the foes to your Minecraft vision.

Now you can create and expand on that creation with ease. Minecraft isn’t the only game where such options help. Now, certainly, there’s something to be said for experiencing a game as its creators intended; which means pushing through varying in-game challenges with in-game weapons. Just know you’re going to have your time monopolized for a while.

Finding Your Balance and Expanding Your Gaming Horizons

People have jobs, families, and hobbies outside video games. It can take months to fully unlock everything in a game without a few “cheats”. If you’ve got the time and an empty social calendar, maybe that’s fine. But even if you’re always “free”, don’t you want to see what more than one game has to offer?

Cheat codes, tips, tricks, workarounds, aimbots and the like can definitely help you with that. You can find the games you really like, and spend time with those, blowing through others that just might not be worth it.

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Juan James


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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