Interview with Corey Lakel Pruitt

Hello everyone and welcome back to Comic Crusaders! I’m your host, Bamfing Bob, and today we have a special treat just in time for Halloween!

Now, most of you know I am a Twitter addict and I follow a TON of amazing people- comic creators, publishers, fans, celebrities, and so much more. One of the more vocal personalities is Corey Lakel Pruitt (aka @multiTASKmedium), who is a champion for diversity in the comics community and against pineapple on pizza. For years, he’s been getting fans riled up about whatever the hot topic is at the time, unafraid to speak his mind and let loose against objectors, but now it’s his turn to write comics instead of just talk about them.

That’s right! Pruitt has launched his own Kickstarter for a comic he says has been in the making a very long time. The Leaders of the Free World has been teased and previewed for months, and now is finally the time so go get it! Corey reached out to me for a chance to speak about the project and I was thrilled for the opportunity.

CC: What is your background in comics? When did you start reading and what do you gravitate toward?

Pruitt: I started reading comics when I was 3 years old. I grew up in a rough neighborhood so it was good to escape to a world where the heroes actually won. I would sometimes imagine Hulk and Wolverine jumping through the walls of my home to save me and wisk me away on an adventure LOL.


CC: And how has that shaped you into an adult?

Pruitt: I can almost say it was a gift and a curse LOL. I have a great imagination and a good outlook on life. But I always have a thirst for justice. Like any type of wrongdoing upsets me to the point that I want to put on a cape myself HAHAHA. So I just try to put that energy into my stories.


CC: Speaking of your stories, what inspired you to become a writer? How did you make the leap from comic book fan to comic creator?

Pruitt: Well I felt like it was time for me to give back to the culture that made me the man that I am today. Besides I’m pretty opinionated on what I want from comics but never thought about doing my own. Then one day I said…why not?


CC: What do you think about the current state of comic fandom? Because I’ve noticed more and more fans have adopted this mindset as crowdfunding and self-publishing has become more common- that if you don’t see what you want to see on comic racks, then it’s up to us to create that content.

Pruitt: When I realized the story I wanted to make I went on a quest to find an artist. Not just any artist, but one that understood how to take ideas and make them reality. A friend suggested we check reddit. I saw a guy in there looking for work and checked his page. Dude was incredible. He actually had panel work and had done books before. I particularly liked this pic of Rogue that he did. That“s how I knew he was the one for the job. When he linked up he already had worked with Ross (our colorist) and Toben (our letterer). So after finding Eli the rest just fell into place perfectly.
CC: How has the process been, turning your script into a work of art? Any obstacles in that process?
Pruitt: One of the hardest things I“ve had to do is make sure that Eli understood exactly what I wanted on the page. I can be a little TOO descriptive when it comes to things so I didn“t want to overdo it. It was tough getting on the same page, but to be honest it didn“t take that long. Eli is that good.

I’m not gonna lie to you folks… this comic looks really good. I already pledged to the campaign which I am happy to announce has been fully funded! However, the campaign is live until Thursday, November 8th so you still have plenty of time to go and pledge and be a part of this project! Check out the link below for all the info you could ever want on the creators, the characters, the rewards, and more! Full bios (with art) and a video by Corey Pruitt explaining the whole thing. SUPPORT INDIE COMICS! And read on for a preview of his first issue, featuring Surreal the Monkey King!

*CLICK HERE* The Leaders of the Free World Kickstarter Campaign *CLICK HERE*


Author Profile

Robert Anderegg
Robert joined Comic Crusaders in 2016 as contributor, but has been an active online voice through social media for almost ten years. His hobbies include reading and collecting comics, attending theme parks, making music, and driving his wife insane. Deadpool and Nightcrawler are his two favorite superheroes, and while his preference is Marvel, he dabbles in every major and indie label in the comics community. He graduated from UTPB in 2013 with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and is currently seeking employment in that field. A southern boy at heart, he currently resides in the Midwest.


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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