New Marvel Leggings from We Love Fine!

Today We Love Fine launched new Marvel themed leggings, they are fan-funding the Groot leggings and the Iron Man leggings and customers have until November 25th to order. If the pre-order is not met by the 25th they will not get made.

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The Groot leggings were designed by Brian Kesinger who is a story artist at Walt Disney animation studios and the creator of Otto and Victoria, you can buy them here $40

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The Iron Man leggings were designed by their in house designer Catherine Elhoffer, you can buy them here $40

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The low-waisted Captain Marvel leggings and Avengers circuit leggings are available now, you can purchase them here, $28

Check out all the great comic themed gear for the geek in you or your life by visiting the We Love Fine website


Author Profile

Arelis Perez
Entrepreneur.. I'm here to inspire and promote self worth. Music, fashion, anything media is my life! Also love everything Charmed, supernatural, the walking dead, & love all superheroes! <3


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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