Online gaming scams and how to avoid them

by Jane Sandwood

The last year has seen a dramatic increase in online scams with research showing up to a fifth of gamers have fallen victim to online scams or know someone who has. As online scams become increasingly elaborate, staying safe has never been more difficult. However, by educating yourself on basic security and the most common risks you can significantly reduce your chances of falling victim to a scam.

Spotting a scam

Anyone who’s ever spent time gaming online will know that the hobby is rife with hackers and scammers of all shapes and sizes. While no one is above risk it is especially important for parents to be aware of the most common vectors by which scammers may target their children. Online games such as Fortnite have seen a troubling increase in scamming activity over the last few years. These scams vary from direct communication and deception to fraudulent websites promising in-game currency rewards in exchange for watching ads. While this may sound harmless many of these websites will request personal information such as credit card details or account information. Scammers may also try to mimic official gaming websites in an attempt to trick users into entering sensitive information to their sites.

While many scams are elaborate and highly technical, some of the most effective require only time, trust and a lot of deception. Individuals are often more trusting and open when conversing online. Some scammers use this to their advantage, assuming a false identity in order to gain a victim’s trust. This is known as a catfish scam and while it’s more common in online dating it has been known to happen in gaming communities too. It may seem that avoiding scams is simply luck of the draw however there are steps you can take to keep yourself safe online.

Staying safe online

Keeping yourself secure when gaming requires a level of vigilance and attention to detail. Thankfully, this isn’t as difficult as it might sound. By following a few simple rules you can significantly reduce your risk. The easiest scams to fall for are the ones that lul us into a false sense of security. Scammers usually achieve this by mimicking official websites and emails for common gaming services such as Steam or Xbox. Official-looking emails will often ask that you follow links to pages asking for account details. Always make sure to always double check all email addresses and URLs before clicking links. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is one of the best ways to secure your account and prevent unauthorized access. Virtually every online service today offers 2FA so if you haven’t already added this extra layer of security to your accounts, do so. Of course the standard advice still applies, never share personal information or account details online and always use strong passwords. Official representatives will never ask you for passwords in their communications.

As the online gaming industry continues to grow, so too does the risk to users. This is especially true for children who are most often the target for criminal organizations and scammers online. Teaching yourself and your children about best practices online will help to keep you safe, leaving you free to game in peace.

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