Geek Chic culture has exploded ever since being unapologetically nerdy has become socially acceptable. When I was I kid, cosplay was not a big thing and repping your favorite superhero was cause for ridicule, but thanks to the internet and the MCU, it is now possible to let your geek flag shine in a truly fashionable way.

Just a group of guys on a mission to provide high quality, affordable suits for casual wear, Opposuits has turned into a massively successful producer of fun outfits year round. From their solid color choices (pink included) to a bold holiday collection (ugly sweater, anyone?), they have filled a niche of people who want to break out of boring business attire and make a statement. Even if that statement is “HEY! My suit is short sleeved and covered in flamingoes!”
A few weeks ago, Opposuits premiered a brand new line of Marvel licensed suits and Comic Crusaders put out a news article about their offerings. I loved the Spider-Man suit, but all of them were unique and true to the Marvel brand. This convinced me to visit their site, and wow. I could go broke buying all the suits I liked. Darth Vader, Pac-Man, stars and stripes, The Joker, Tetris, hundred dollar bills, more Star Wars, Mardi Gras, animal print, pumpkins, 90’s retro, and the always popular… black. I knew I wanted to review one of these suits, so I made my case and the representatives of Opposuits were more than happy to send a suit for review purposes.
DISCLAIMER: Although this is a complementary suit, I made it very clear to Opposuits that Comic Crusaders strives to give only the true and honest impressions of what we review, regardless of any perks we may receive in return. I do not give out automatic high ratings in return for “free stuff” or bribes. The Opposuits representative assured me he was confident in his product and mailed it over anyway.

The suit was ordered on a Friday and was on my doorstep the following Wednesday, which was amazing to me. I thought, for sure, it would take a full week to ship around Easter weekend, but I was pleasantly surprised by their quick delivery. I was in denial until I opened the package because it was such a small box- about 11 by 14 by 2 inches- but, sure enough, it contained all three pieces to my suit.
The suit material is good, sturdy quality, but is not what you would find in a high end suit from somewhere like Men’s Warehouse. Not silk, satin, wool… just a nice, casual polyester. The tie is the same material, which I’m not used to, but ties are silk overpriced anyways when they are only just for show. The jacket pockets come stitched shut (just like in stores) and there are plenty of inside pockets for all your accessories. They even include a small stack of Opposuits cards, so when people ask you about it, you can spread the word. The lining of my Spider-Man suit is purple and features the Opposuits logo. They even include spare buttons.
Now, the moment of truth.

I decided to wear the suit to C2E2, Chicago’s massive comic and entertainment expo held every spring. It draws a hundred thousand people a year, so this was the perfect place to test out the popularity and all day wearability of my Opposuit. I changed in the car as my wife approached the convention hall and nothing wrinkled in the process. Everything was smooth sailing until I was getting out and… somehow I got mud on my pant leg.
Well, crap.
Luckily, my wife had a napkin handy and I was able to wipe it almost entirely off. Only a ghost of a stain was on my leg and I felt confident that no one would notice. (If anyone did, they didn’t say anything to me about it.)

I wasn’t to only one wearing an Opposuit at C2E2 either. On the way in, I passed a guy wearing the Joker suit, and I must say, it looks just as cool in person. Then, near the end of the day, I ran into a man in the PacMan suit who also ordered it that same week. We discussed how great the product and service were, and even took a photo together. I’m gonna be honest: if I hadn’t gotten Spider-Man, his suit was a very close second choice.
Okay, so remember how I said the pants were tight? Well, because they are polyester, they actually stretched a bit the longer I wore them, making them more comfortable but also looser. I carried around a big bag of comics all day that I had to sort as I got them signed, so there was plenty of bending, crouching, sitting and standing over the course of my Saturday. In the beginning I was paranoid the pants would rip, but soon my only worry was getting the seat dirty. However, in hindsight, maybe I should have worn a belt to ensure my shirt stayed tucked in between every bend and squat. I blame my dress shirt and myself, but not Opposuits because that was 100% on me.

The suit washed wonderfully. Held the creases well, air dried quickly, no loss of color or shape. I even remembered to take out the business cards beforehand.
So a few things I wanted to clear up before the final verdict: First, although I did not order a new shirt, the site does also sell dress shirts if you want/need them. My personal shirt looked fine, but if their shirt quality is as good as the suits, it’s worth the $40 price tag. As for the suits, they run from $100 to $120, which is not bad at all for what they offer. My brother just went suit shopping last month and paid hundreds of dollars on his suit, so it is a real bargain. Throw in free shipping and a flexible return policy, and you’re set! They can be found in some bigger retail stores, but I recommend the site simply because they have the full selection of styles and sizes that others will not.
Second, these suits are not designed for very low temperatures. There is no heavy padding or thick material to shield from the cold, so if you plan of wearing an Opposuit in winter, I recommend extra layers. Works great for warmer weather though, as it breathes very well. Normally I sweat up a storm in crowded places (like conventions) but I was just fine at C2E2, even in long sleeves. The thinner, more wearable material also lends to a more active lifestyle, but some of their suits would also fit right in at a church or business function.
Finally, I want to mention that Opposuits also has a line of boys suits and ladies suits as well, so the whole family can dress up crazy for the holidays, or just for fun. It’s easy to match outfits for couples costumes or events, and the site even has suggestion tabs for different occasions for your Opposuits. So, ladies, don’t be convinced the you can’t rock an awesome suit too! Stand out!
FINAL VERDICT: I went into this excited to review a suit, but was very concerned I would let that excitement turn to disappointment. But let’s lay out the facts:
ӢGreat customer service
ӢAffordable pricing
ӢLightning fast shipping
ӢHigh quality material
ӢExcellent fit (the real surprise here)
ӢAttention grabbing designs
ӢMachine washable
I love my Opposuit and, although I am a real penny pincher who doesn’t spend money on himself very often, I’m seriously considering buying a second suit. The hardest decision would be which one to choose!
Go to www.opposuits.com to see what I’m talking about!
A well earned 5 Stars!
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Author Profile
- Robert joined Comic Crusaders in 2016 as contributor, but has been an active online voice through social media for almost ten years. His hobbies include reading and collecting comics, attending theme parks, making music, and driving his wife insane. Deadpool and Nightcrawler are his two favorite superheroes, and while his preference is Marvel, he dabbles in every major and indie label in the comics community. He graduated from UTPB in 2013 with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and is currently seeking employment in that field. A southern boy at heart, he currently resides in the Midwest.
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