OUTSIDE THE PANELS #11: Press Releases for Independent Comic Writers
Not sure what I want to write about today”¦ Every week I usually have an idea of what I“m going to write when I sit down. But today”¦ nothing. I just finished writing up some Kickstarter paragraphs for my upcoming launch for Soul Men. If you haven“t already, you can sign up for preview images at soulmen.launchrock.com. I“ve been….
Wait a minute! I got it! I“m going to write about the part of comics that makes you sell you project! In this edition of Outside the Panels I“m going to focus on a comic press release.
So many independent comic creators focus heavily on creating the books and that is awesome! But, unfortunately, if nobody hears about your amazing project how will they ever read it? Exactly”¦
Believe it or not, the most important part of creating your work is promoting and marketing your comic. Now, that may sound boring but you are not Kevin Costner and if you build it they won“t necessarily come.
Writing a solid press release for your work will at the very least convince a comic news blogger or website to post it. I“m not saying your press release will translate to sales, but it will increase your odds. Where do I begin?
I have an unconventional approach to press releases, but this is what I do–I break the press release down into three concise paragraphs. I keep it short and sweet because I want people to actually stick around and read it. Nothing is worse than seeing a bunch of words that require you to scroll down, especially if the art looks cool but you don“t have time to read a full release. People reading articles on the internet typically have short attention spans”¦ blame Twitter, but you need to get in, get your point across and get out.
Here are a few steps:
- Write your press releases in 3rd person. Keep it professional.
- PARAGRAPH 1 – Open with the date you intend the Press Release to be posted. Jab your reader in the face and get their attention. Then, tell them when and where your project is available, follow that with the name of your project and then tell them who the hell the creators are. Follow all of that with an elevator pitch.
- PARAGRAPH 2 and 3 Get the reader to be interested. Tell them what the story is about and where the issue will go. Avoid spoilers. Throw a quote in there for good measure.
- PARAGRAPH 3 – Repeat Paragraph 1 but say it differently.
- SIGN-OFF – Put every freaking way to contact you at your sign-off!
Check out this example using my upcoming Kickstarter Launch for SOUL MEN:
MAY 27, 2015 – What would you do if the ghost of one of your family members needed your help to truly rest in peace? On May 31st at midnight, on Kickstarter.com, the first issue of the comic series SOUL MEN will launch to answer that question! Created by writer, Sal Brucculeri, and artist, Ibai Canales, SOUL MEN is a comic that blends the horror and comedy genres in a story that tests the bond only brothers could share.
“After a ton of research, Ibai and I decided –with a bit of influence from a fellow comic writer– that Kickstarter would be the best option for Soul Men,”“ says SOUL MEN writer, Sal Brucculeri, “I“ve always said that Soul Men is like Ghostbusters, Supernatural and the Bill and Ted franchise in a blender. I just hope readers will agree.”“
After a life of committing blasphemous sins, Rigby and his ghost of a brother, Cliff, who was denied entrance into heaven, have to decide whether or not to take the penance of being “Soul Men”“ to wipe away their sins. As “Soul Men,”“ this cowardly duo would entrusted to guide lost or reluctant souls to heaven or hell, as well as occasionally deal with demons. In this first issue it is up to them to decide whether or not they will accept the terms of becoming Soul Men.
Readers will be able to support SOUL MEN by pre-ordering issue 1 exclusively on Kickstarter from May 31st to July 3rd! There will be multiple rewards such as the physical printed comic, a poster, a King paperweight, and two backers would even be able to be characters in a limited edition eight-page SOUL MEN comic! When the goal is reached the stretch goals include issues two through five of SOUL MEN.
For more information visit soulmen.launchrock.com, facebook.com/soulmencomic, salbrucculeri.com, or email soulmencomic@gmail.com!
I really hope that this could help you all out when trying to spread the word about your brand-new project!
See you next week!
Good Luck!
Sal Brucculeri
@SalveyB, cunexttues.com, soulmen.launchrock.com, salbrucculeri.com, aa88press.com
Author Profile
- Sal Brucculeri is comic book creator, writer, and editor with an passionate determination to create quality comic books. Sal currently publishes a successful weekly webcomic, C U Next Tuesday, featuring the Bride of Frankenstein’s Monster. He is also the editor of The Devil You Know. Sal is also the writer of the successful Kickstarter project, Ninja Baseball Man, Vol. 1. In addition, Sal, along with Frank Mula, is the co-founder of the small-press publishing company, AA88 Press.
Websites: cunexttues.com, aa88press.com, salbrucculeri.com
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