Written by Blind Adam the Comic Pimp

Greetings my Comic Crusaders family, hope your well and safe and doing well. I am going to bring pimping the long box back on a weekly basis god willing of course this will be a weekley look into the comic book market, movies, porn, movies and anything else that strikes my fancy. Always remember you don’t need sight to have  a vision. It is not what happens to you but what you doa bout it . This is mother fucking america where the streets are paved with gold where all you need is a dollar a dream and a will so lets kick back have a coke and a smile as it is time to TESTIFY!

1. PLEASE see your Doctor’s on the Regular!

A wise man siad if you don’t have your health then you don’t any wealth so please do the comicpimp a favor and go to your doctor and get checked on a regular basis . If your not watching awesome sauce radio on you tube wensday nights 9pmest then you don’t know back in august I was diagnounsed with cronic leukemia witch is a cancer of the blood . I had a bone merow test and I am about to have a pat scan this week so far it looks as I am ins tage zero . But we will know everything soon.i would have never know this if Ididn’t go to the doctor for something else wile at my doctors office I was asked if wanted a blood test I said yes and they found that my white blood cels where elevlated and the rest is history so please go to the doctor go get checked on the regular is a health pimp is a rich pimp #Testify anit going to lie I am scared and I am nervous and I just want to say for all the well wishes all the prayers and for all the postive vibes sent my way thank you. Thank you for being a part of my life and a part of my journey love you all.

2 The Sandman

The Sandman on Netflix is epic.just loved the show. Dear Netflix give us seasont wo already. The bonous episodes are a bglast especially the tale of 1,00 cats also episode six with death is amazing Matthew the raven is fun but when I hear Matthew speak all I hear is happy you know Happy the horse Patten Oswold is a comedy pimp Rose Waler was done to perfection a few Sandman books to invest in are Sandman #69 the first Daniel Dall as Dream , Sandman #11 & Swamp Thing #84 first Matthew the raven & first Matthew as a human DC direct currents #10 first preview and cover image of Sandman #1 and if you want to be a high roller then go for the Sandman #75 second print & the Sandman 50 platinum editions but the sandman is in the spotlight as the audio book from amazong is also amazing.

3 She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

Dear fanboys and fangirls can you plase stop your bitching! Stop your pissing and mowning she hulk and Disney plus was a fun ride it introudced a female hulk it introduced us to a new member of the avengers and it is a comedy. A comedy is susposed to make us laugh we got Bruce Banner back in a sweet we learned that captain america poped his cherry in 1945 this show is the best marvel show since Hawkeye for people bitching about thor love and thunder same thing for everyone bitching and moning go watch the Incredible Hulk returns, generation x from 1997, Nick Fury starring the hoff the Bill Bixby Incredible Hulk the rev brown Captain America movies the 1989 punisher most I go on 1977-2000 is calling and asking you to shut the fuck up and leave thank you so much #Testify!

4 Some Hidden Gems

Here are a few comics and collectibles that are hidden gems a hidden gem is a cheap collectible you can flip for better money or it is a
collectible that is under the radar and freaking sweet to own:

A. Detective Comics #27 Millennium Edition 2000 reprint of the first batman reprints of classic comics are starting to heat up as originals get more expensive expect to see a price bump on books like this yes there is a faux simulation that was just released but this is a better investment for the money.

B. Superman #75 2nd-5th prints wow it is thirty years since the death of superman? DC is doing a new printing of this soon? This is the comic of a generation without the Death of Superman we would have no currentbook market for all the key collector and cover prices of the world you need to thank Superman #75 because investing in comic books as a investment starting with superman #75 #Testify!

5. Blake Blossom looks hot as HELL as Spider-Gwen:

Blake Blossom is playing spidergwen in wicked pictures this anit Spidey-Pool XXX by Axel Braun I am looking forward to reviewing this for Comic Crusaders and the highlight is Blake Blossom the first live actions Spider-Gwen that is all I hope we get a Spider-Gwen making love to Ms. Marvel, Ceena S Kenzie taylor is reprising her roll of Carol Danvers ms marvel, kenzie played Ms Marvel/Captain Marvel in this anit Captain Marvel XXX the Axelverse is just amaizng and sexy so go watch it today.

6. Dominos pizza is the best pizza to cure a hangover!

Well that is it for this week, see you on Wednesday nights at 9pm EST on youyou tube on Awesome Sauce Radio. Thanks for reading I love you all!

Blind Adam Out

Author Profile

Blind Adam The Comic PIMP


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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