Greetings my Comic Crusaders family, hope your well and safe. I am doing much better.best I have been in months.just to update everyone. I have c.l.l. A form of blood cancer. I am in stage 1 and no treatment is needed at this time. I get my blood checked in December and only have to get my blood checked every three months. So I am very blessed with this news. To everyone that has sent in prayers thank you. To everyone that has helped me by talking on the phone thank you.for all the good wishes and positive vibes sent my way thank you. Thank you all for being a part of my life.thank you for listening & watching Awesome Sauce Radio. Thank you for reading this whenever I get out put it out I want to get back to weekly or biweekly but I am very blessed to have you all in my life now it is time for us to kick ass and take names
Wow it is now 21 years, twenty-one years since that fateful day. The day the twin towers fell. I say let’s never forget that day. Let’s never forget what happened that day as the events of that day still haunt me. Still want to make this the greatest city on god’s green earth to all my fellow New Yorkers that were affected by the events of 911 my heart goes out to you. To all the first responders thank you to all the firefighters that ran into the twin towers that day to save lives I say thank you. To all the police that went into the buildings that day I say thank you. To anyone that lost a loved one that day I say your in my thoughts and prayers and my heart goes out to you. New York City is strong and we have and will recover from this but let’s never forget the events of September 11th 2001 remember that america is the greatest nation on god’s green earth so god bless america New York City is the greatest city in the world so god bless new york city I love you all and my heart goes out to you on this day!
Batman the Animated Series Happy 30th Anniversary .
wow kevin conroy and company ha been on the air ir for thirty years now today is the 30th birthday of Harley Quinn as well as the Jokers favor aired on 9/11/92 but I am happy this show the batman of a generation is on HBO Max and that Kevin Conroy is the batman the greatest Batman of all time when reading batman comics it is Kevin Conroys voice that pops into my had thanks to this show we get many apon many sexyg irls in Harley Quinn costumes at conventions thanks to this show we get sweet kick ass video games like arkham asylum thanks to this show we get to see what a badass artist bruce timm is and how creative Paul Dini is and Mark Hamill as the Joker is the greatest joker of all time or in the top five jokers of all time this show is the reason villain’s like Poison Ivy, Clayface & Mr Freeze are pop culture pimps I feel it is time to start investing in the batman the animated series action figures as that line of figures is now thirty years old and can be found for cheap some of the figures to chase are:
1. The Penguin was always the golden goose and mint on card is great.
2. Harley Quinn this line featured the first action figure for Harley Quinn there is a 12 inch of this with her babies as well.
3. The Batmobile chicks love the car Bruce Wayne gets mad blow jobs in that car #Testify
4. Batman Adventures #12 first Harley Quinn in comics chance the reprints of this book there is a wizard world fan box & convention variant of this as well as many fan expo variants from 2016 of this book plus the dollar reprint that came out in 2020 reprints make made money so go get yours son!
5. Batman Adventures #28 the second appearance of Harley Quinn maybe third appearance if you count mad love but this is undervalued and a great story batman and robin adventures #8 I the first in comic books team uu\ up with harley quinn and Poison Ivy and Ivy & Harley is a great episode and even made for some great porn hub material speaking of harley quinn porn go check out.
6. Suicide Squad XXX where Cleo Valentine plays Harley Quinn tommy pistol play The Joker and it is directed by the legend that is Axel Braun and it is better than the real Suicide Squad movie so go check it out #Testify
If anyone has a copy of Wizard Magazine #109 I am buying. Wizard Magazine #109 has a Todd Mcfarlane checklist of all the Toddfathers work and also has what might be the first published image of Family Guy the entire family thank you for your wizard rewind Beyond Wednesdays go check out Beyond Wednesdays on Youtube Beyond Wednesdays is a great comic book You Tube channel and needs more love but this issue of wizard has the Toddfather, Jason Mewes & Family Guy sign me up please!
Spidey-Pool XXX
Axel Braun is the legend.the goat of comic book porn movies. Right now two screens from this Spider-Man/Deadpool team up movie are on wickedpictures.com staring Seth Gamble as Deadpool, Blake Blossom as Spider-Gwen, Kenzie Taylor returning as Captain Marvel. Spider-Man and Mary Jane fucking but the costumes are great and this feels like the Spider-Man/Deadpool series that marvel canceled just go check it out!
Well that is all for this week. Please remember you don’t need sight to have a vision.that it is not what happens to you, but what you do about it I love you all!
Blind Adam Out
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