Greetings my Comic Crusaders family. Can you believe it is almost October? Time for tricks or treats, NYCC and the cooler weather already? I want to start this week off by saying depression sucks, for the last couple of months I have been dealing with my health, if your listening to Awesome Sauce Radio or reading this on the regular you know back in july I was diagnosed with C.L.L. I am in stage one and need to have the blood checked every three months. I go back to the doctor in december . I am feeling better but at times the depression and the two months of not knowing what stage the cancer was in did a number on me I am staying positive and getting stronger each and every day.but I have been having my moments . So I want to say if Awesome Sauce Radio has not been great as of late I am sorry if Pimping the Long Box hasn’t been that great as of late I am sorry I want to give the Comic Crusaders & Awesome Sauce families the best product I can give . I love you guys. I want to say thank you for reading this each and every week. I want to say thank you for watching the show on YouTube each and every Wednesday at 9pm EST I want to thank you for all the support, all the friendship all the prayers all the smiles thank you all for being a part of my life and I promise to pimp for you all and put out the best Awesome Sauce Radio I can put out.
Clerks 3 & Kevin Smith’s Daredevil:
I watched clerks 3 I was at the premier on September 4th and I saw it in the theater via Fathom Events going to see it again this Thursday. Kevin Smith is at the top of his game with this movie. Clerks brings back Dontae & Randall as long as Jay and Silent Bob it takes place at
quick stop and just delivers a very powerful punch.i really don’t want to spoil the movie but I will say this the message of the movie hit me
hard. The message is in your 50’s you have more days behind you then ahead of you. Randall after having a heart attack makes a movie and this is Kevin’s love letter to his fans and his creations I enjoy Jay and Silent Bob more in their 50’s now being the voices of reason then id di
of them being the comic relief and holy fuck that ending just made me cry I can’t wait until this is one dvd and digital go see it I also want to say that Kevin Smith’s Daredevil story Daredevil guardian devil is amazing it ran in 1998-1999 in Marvel Knights Daredevil s#1-8 it is also a graphic audio book and it is amazing the voice acting is just off the chain and worth 2 and a half hours the screen where Karen Page is murdered by Bullseye is gut wrenching that happened in issue #5 which has two covers the black variant cover is the tougher of the two $20 issue #7 where Mysterio commits suicide is insane this is the best mysterio story of all time issue #2 has a early J. Scott Campbell variant over with the Black Widow cover and kevin’s voice for black widow is sweet and loving Foggy Nelson is used as a b plot that is fun and emotional the ending story in #8 Kevin’s first time writing Spider-Man is just emotional and show’s the power of peter parker and Matthew Murdock’s friendship #8 is undervalued as well $5-10 so grab ehe trade and enjoy the story buy and sell the single issues as this is one of the greatest daredevils tories of all time and it is also very undervalued and has some great variants and to Mr Kevin Smith thank you. Thank you Kevin for making your movies.thank you for mallrats mallrats is my favorite movie of all time.thank you for making Zack and Mary make a porno without Mallrats, make a porno or the other Kevin Smith movies.
I wouldn’t be the comic pimp I am today thank you keivns mithf or4 being the nicest person to your fans. Thank you for talking to me at your events and for being a mentor to me. Thank you Kevin Smith for teaching me how to see the world in different ways thank you Kevin Smith for helping me overcome the odds and be the comic pimp love you sir!
Canada Dry is a great Ginger Ale that is all!
Spidey-Pool XXX
The final chapter of Axel Braun’s Spidey-Pool XXX is out.you can watch it on wicked.com this is it what I have been talking about for months. Blake blossom as Spider-Gwen and holy shit it is #awesomesauce. Taylor Cruz as Spider-Man is funny and plays Peter well. Blake as Spider-Gwen is great I want to see more of Blake as Spider-Gwen in the future . The Spider-Man Spider-Gwen’s scene is just amazing as spiderman is all about the pussy #testify axel braun is the master of comic book porn and I hope one day axel gets to make daredevil but blake blossom will be the Jenna Jameson or Sasha Gray of this generation of porn stars #testify
Hidden Hems
I want to end this week with a few hidden gems. Some stuff to dig or hunt for at conventions flea markets and comic shops some of this will not be comic books but other products:
1. Booberry, Frankenberry & Count Chocula yes it is that time of year. The time of year when general miles puts sugar in our veins as they release the cereal of my generation they only put it out in October so enjoy it now.
2. Earth Prime #4 Stargirl photo cover the earth prime series had photo covers for every issue. These photo covers are perfect for autographs especially the Stargirl one. Stargirl is going forward $5-10 batman #489 second appearance of bane prelude to the Knightfall series
with all the love DC is tossing Superman dying for 30 years ago. I believe they will do the same thing with Knightfall. Wow Knightfall is almost Thirty years old? And Batman #497 where Bane breaks the Batman’s back is extra really cheap $10-20 there is a 2nd print a 3rd print a newsstand without the overlay half cover so go invest in Knightfall and Bane today!
Well that is it for this week.please remember you don’t need sight to have a vision, that it is not what happens to you but what you do about it I love you all!
Blind Adam Out
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