The Stan Lee Estate Gives Fans Special Edition Face Masks To Attend 10th Anniversary L.A. Comic Con
The Stan Lee Estate and evolvetogether™ have collaborated on a limited-edition, limited-quantity white everyday medical mask with a Stan Lee Forever graphic logo as a gift for employees and attendees at this year’s LA Comic Con.
Stan Lee’s daughter (and greatest fan), JC Lee, says about the collaboration: “My father loved his fans and would want everyone to stay safe at Comic Con. We hope everyone wears this mask and stays healthy so we can all be back next year, too. It’s all about love and kindness. As my father said, ‘Be a true believer onward and upward!’”
J.C. Lee, artist, author and Stan & Joan Lee’s ‘greatest creation’ is thrilled to see her home town Comic Con back for the fans. She wants to ensure not only that the fans enjoy the con but that they do it as safely as possible given the times. “Stay safe, happy and good to each other.” JC Lee
Evolvetogether™ created a quality, thoughtfully-designed medical grade mask for this the 10th anniversary or LA Comic Con and third anniversary along with daily essentials that are better for people and the planet. Their medical masks are SGS- and Nelson-tested and provide >98% BFE, >98% VFE, and >98% PFE to protect against bacteria, viruses, allergens, and pollution.
Each of their products are stamped with global coordinates as a reminder that we are all connected no matter our race, gender, religion, or where we live. This limited-edition mask stamped with Stan Lee’s birthplace is exclusively available December 3-5 at the LA Comic Con while supplies last.
“We are all SUPER HERO’S” J.C. Lee
The Stan Lee Estate – http://fatsalagata.com
Author Profile
- I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!
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