Top Tattoos Trends For Pop Culture Lovers

by Jane Sandwood

Every year we get blown away by a plethora of tattoo trends that will either continue influencing the fashion scene or fade into obscurity before the year is over. While skin art used to be frowned upon severely by more conservative individuals, it has become a very sought-after fashion accessory in recent years, thanks to celebs such as Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and David Beckham. The year ahead looks to be a promising one, however, with some of the hottest tattoo trends including art that looks like it was sewn onto the skin, hyper-saturated colors, and ignorant style tattoos for anyone who appreciates a good dose of dry humor.

Embroidery style tattoos are astonishingly life-like

Embroidery-style tattoos were first noticed when a couple of forward-thinking tattoo artists from around the world starting practicing a new tattoo style that boasted a realistic 3D effect. These tattoos are so lifelike that it literally looks as if a craft patch has been sewn directly onto the skin. While embroidered tattoos depicting flowers, birds and family crests are bound to remain popular, increasingly adventurous individuals may opt for a popular animated character or brand logo to be ”˜embroidered“ onto their skin. Some of the most popular embroidery tattoo artists in the world at present include Pauline Oliver from Mexico, Russia-based Ksy Arrow, and the immensely popular Adam Zimmer from the USA. You will also find amazing artists in Switzerland. So if you are looking to get a tattoo in Bern or Zurich, you will certainly have plenty of fantastic options.

Hyper-saturated colors are bound to impress

Colors are back with a bang this year, and they are bigger and bolder than ever before. Hyper-saturated color tattoos are popular among both men and women, and follow a range of themes including florals, tribal, portraits, lettering and cartoons. Although full-color half and full sleeve tattoos are enjoying a spike in popularity, there is no rulebook that dictates what size your colorful tattoo should be. Due to employment restrictions, for example, many people opt for smaller hyper-saturated tattoos in easy-to-cover-places such as the shoulder blade, upper bicep, hip bone and lower back. Like the glow in the dark tattoos that were extremely trendy a few years back, hyper-saturated tattoos are becoming particularly popular among ravers and nightlife enthusiasts, as well as creative spirits in need of a splash of color in their lives.

Ignorant style tattoos gain momentum

Although the term ”˜ignorant tattoos“ may hint that the artwork is offensive, it is luckily not the case. The trend, which first started gaining momentum in 2019, is a lot more about tongue-in-the-cheek dry humor than it is callousness. The style is touted to become huge this year and can be distinguished by its humorous, minimalist black line work that is typically either cartoon-like or graffiti-inspired. Ignorant tattoos have actually been around for quite some time, with Scarlett Johansson getting one depicting a horseshoe and the words ”˜lucky you“ back in 2012. If you are keen to get your own ignorant tattoo be sure to check out the work of tattoo artists such as Chantal Dessinemal, Emerik Derome and Fuzi.

The year ahead is promising to be an exciting one for tattoo fans. With so many great options to choose from, it might become very tempting to accessorize yourself with a range of very cool tattoos.

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