Why You Should Begin Prepping for Dragon Con 2018 TODAY
What is Dragon Con?
Before we can properly delve into the “why,” I suppose that it’s only fitting to begin with the “what.”
Dragon Con is an annual pop culture convention held in Atlanta, Georgia, every year on Labor Day weekend. While often it is said that Dragon Con is a primarily Science Fiction based event, every genre can find itself represented at the convention. Artist’s alleys, comic professionals, craftsmen, collectors, actors and actresses, gaming companies, and creators of every kind fill the ballrooms and the venues of the host hotels and the Americas Mart, waiting for eager fans to shuffle their way. An endless parade of panels (and an actual parade) make their way onto Dragon Con’s own television station, for those of the 80,000+ guests who can’t make it to every event that they’d have wanted in person.
And that’s only speaking to the official programming of the convention.
Every year, there are gatherings and parties for every imaginable fandom. You may want to attend a photoshoot, featuring cosplayers from your favorite show. You may want to stay out until the wee hours of the morning, raving with actual zombies. Or, you might just want to wake up early and share a beer with individuals who have come from all over the world to trade craft brews. No matter what your scene is, Dragon Con has it.
But September is an awfully long ways away, why start prepping now?
There are many reasons to not wait until the last minute to plan your Dragon Con weekend.
First and foremost? Dragon Con is massive. The throngs of individuals never end, from morning to night. Downtown Atlanta is filled to absolute bursting every Labor Day weekend as the nerdy masses of the world congregate in one place. Because of this, it’s very difficult to get in and out of the downtown area, so you’ll want to begin thinking now about where you want to stay.
Of course, the ultimate goal is to make it into one of the host hotels of the convention. Being able to take a few flights of stairs, or a swift elevator ride directly into the teeming crowds of Dragon Con is a convenience that cannot be understated. And after hours on your feet? You’ll be very glad to have the option of taking a breather in your own room for a few precious moments, without it taking half an hour to get there and back again.
This arrangement doesn’t come without its drawbacks. It takes a hair-trigger to snag one of the host hotel rooms for Dragon Con. They sell out the very day that they become available. However, in the spirit of community, most people share hotel rooms. There are Facebook groups and forums designed specifically to help people find the perfect roommates. If you’re afraid of close quarters, this might not be the option for you. But if you’re willing to sleep on an air mattress, you’re likely to find yourself among friends.
The second most important reason to begin planning now, is so that you can have your costume ready! You don’t have to cosplay to enjoy Dragon Con, and indeed up until this point, I never have, but with your New Years resolutions likely already in the toilet, now is the perfect chance to make a new resolution and make that costume that you always wanted to try out! There’s another element to the convention entirely for those in costume. It’s intimidating, but if you can work past those butterflies, and assemble an outfit, you’ll find yourself immersed to an entirely new level.
Costumes range from hobbyist to expert, from recognizable to truly obscure, and from faithful to far-out.
All in all, Dragon Con is an unbelievable fan experience. You’ve probably already blown your other New Year’s resolutions by this point, so why not make your new resolution preparing for the nerdy vacation of a lifetime? You won’t be dissappointed.
(Photography by David Ramirez)
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