WRESTLING REVIEW: AEW Battle of The Belts VI : TBS Championship Match
Billie Starkz? A pure joke of a competitor for the undefeated Cargill and for the pro-wrestling community as a whole, this jobber decided to come for Cargill’s undisputed title at one of AEW’s biggest events following a hot week from their biggest competitor brands. Though this was a pure squash match, if the viewer was in the winner’s corner then this one-sided beatdown was a vicarious victory. So it’s safe to say, at least for me, that this Battle of The Belts was extremely cathartic. Starkz went from starting off the match slapping the champ in the face to just moments later getting bent over the knee and spanked in the middle of the ring. You can’t make this up … unless your in AEW Creative.
No matter how much AEW’s cameramen tried to zoom in on Starkz as she yelled outside the ropes, she remained unimpressive. All those crossbodies Starkz kept launching only served to tire Starkz herself out, while all Cargill had to do was catch her telegraphing opponent and hit her with a single backbreaker to take the wind out of Starkz’ sails. This happened far more times throughout the match than Starkz’ other signature, a desperate backstabber which Mercedes Mone’ could do in her sleep. So from a methodical standpoint of putting the pressure on the back of one’s opponent, Starkz’ stamina was far below comparison to the superior Cargill who was looking like Atlas at Battle of The Belts.
Starkz couldn’t even capitalize off the mistakes Jade made at BOTB VI; and though they were few, they were noticeable. Jade speared her left shoulder into a ring post, stumbled off kip-ups outside the ropes and inside the squared circle … The only time Starkz ever really can get credit for catching Cargill with her pants down was the way she squirmed out of Cargill’s first finisher attempt. But all of that struggle was pure survival, and mostly anyone will do anything when they are trying to survive. Which is why Starkz scrambling out of Jade’s “Jaded” for a Hurricanrana was her only surprising spot at Battle Of The Belts VI, and didn’t do much to make her look threatening as any pro-wrestler should, no, Starkz just looked scared. A few moments later, Starkz fell to the Jaded like everyone before her, and Jamaican Jade tacked on a fifty-five tally to her undefeated streak.
Billed as “Battle Of The Belts” it would have been better if Hayter was put into contention against Cargill, since she actually has a belt and that would line up perfectly with the event name.
Giving Starkz nearly ten minutes was gracious, but she did nothing special within that time to truly make a mark in an AEW ring, let alone in Jade’s legacy. Another footnote, and another win as audiences await real competition for the competent Cargill.
*Battle of the Belts VI took place on April 7, 2023, at the Ryan Center in Kingston, Rhode Island.
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