WRESTLING REVIEW: NXT Spring Breakin’ 2K22

This was the first time in a long time that I found myself glued to a Natalya match. Natalya & Lash Legend from the onset is an odd pairing, but made for a surprisingly entertaining draw for the only match held for the women’s division on NXT’s Spring Breakin’. The majority of the match found Cora Jade in peril while her teammate Lyons played the powerhouse. On the heel side, Legend held dominance where Natalya proved to be the more cocky of the pair, ultimately costing her team the win.

Legend and Natalya were easy to hate, but I found myself rooting for them, and I’ve never found myself cheering on Natalya – even throughout her Divas career. This mentor position that she has been placed in on NXT is doing a revitalizing service to her floundering career, and from the looks of things, and upstart like Legend has only benefitted from this.
Lash Legend appears more confident in the ring, improving week by week. And even though her vignette show appears to have been put to pasture, that is for the best, leave that to the Wendy Choo’s and Mandy Rose’s of the week – Legend may not be living up to her namesake just yet, but if she continues to improve at this rate, then Lash Legend can soon enough be a main draw on the NXT card.

As for Jade, her in peril performance and ultimate comeback has her looking at a title reign in the cards, but with the way that Lyons is being booked, her push is … much. The WWE Universe doesn’t like their superstars being pushed down their throats. The more we see of her every week, and the more cuts seen to the roster, just further infuriates the WWE Universe to the point that one could only wonder if she would have ever been called up if Zoey Stark had not been out on injury. The most notable moments within this match up came from the heel side : Lash Legend looked unstoppable while slamming her opponents and effortlessly kipping up, while the offense from the face side (Cora Jade’s elbow strikes come to mind) looked fairly weak.

A week removed from “Spring Breakin’ ” and Nattie’s standing backbreaker on Jade still comes to mind as evidence that putting washed up vets from the main roster on NXT is the best call to reinvigorate the careers of WWE benchwarmers. That was the most innovative Natalya match that I have seen, and I’ve been watching her on WWE television since Raw was on Telemundo.
And even though Lyons is being forcefed down viewers throats, everytime she steps in the ring with Lash Legend they have chemistry – and from this match to the singles one they had just one week after, those two make entertaining T.V. together; it will be interesting to see what will happen next between this foursome – and if their feud blows over at the next NXT premium event, it wont be surprising.

Score : 2.5/5

Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida

Author Profile

C.V.R. The Bard
Poet. Philosopher. Journalist. Purveyor of Truths.


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