Magic The Gathering Pack Opening: Amonkhet – Clever Magic Trevor
If you’re a fan of Magic the Gathering, or obsessed like me, then you know how much fun opening booster packs are. There’s just something about cracking packs that’s not only exciting hoping that you pull those spicy cards, but that you also gather ideas for what cards will go into whatever deck you may currently have, or will build in the future. That is the biggest aspect of Magic the Gathering that I enjoy. That being said, there are a plethora of YouTube channels out there of people opening booster packs on their channel for viewers to enjoy. I would suggest that one of the newest and upcoming channels, Clever Magic Trevor is making waves in ways that other channels are not. For just starting out as of November 2019, Clever Magic Trevor has seen steady growth and has enhanced the MTG (Magic the Gathering) Community to always be positive and to pay it forward. That alone is what sold me on supporting his channel. Again, if you love watching pack openings, then this is the channel for you. Why you ask? well for starters, he is so laid back but still brings the positive energy to each video. He has giveaways from each video for cards, and having won a few myself, you really cannot go wrong.
In their most recent video, Trevor enlists the help of Dave B. to open a booster box from Magic the Gathering’s 74th expansion set, Amonkhet. This set captures the Ancient Egyptian feel and mythology and incorporates it within the lore and world of Magic the Gathering. For Amonkhet, Wizards of the Coast has included the Amonkhet Invocation cards which are special lottery cards that only 2 Invocation cards are included in each case (1 case = 6 booster boxes = 3,240 cards) These cards due to their rarity carry their weight in value even after all this time and pulling those cards is nothing short of winning the lottery. So sit back, enjoy the video, and if you’re wanting to participate in the box openings, you can check out CleverMagicTrevor.com
Author Profile
- Growing up, I'm a stereotypical nerd. I love comics, superheroes, video games, you name it I love it. Except tofu, that stuff is just different. Fast forward a few years, Now I'm living my dream where being a "nerd" is cool, and I have the wonderful opportunity to do exactly what I want to do; Read comics, play video games, and show off my passion for geek culture for the world to see and not care what critics may think. Aside from reviewing games, comics, being a member of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network and Geekery Magazine, I love sports of all kinds, and especially following all of my teams from the great state of Colorado. Being random is what I love doing because it why not be random, it makes life interesting. Make sure to also follow me on Twitter for updates on live gaming streams on other shenanigans at @TheRandomeDud3.
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