Fox n Forests is a 2D platformer developed by Bonus Level Entertainment and Independent Art Software that introduces an element of change within the traditional platformer format. The thing that impressed me the most about Fox N Forests was the mechanic of changing seasons. Changing the seasons changes the environment as well as some enemies in certain situations. The mechanic being on a timer also gave the sections where you had to change seasons a sense of urgency that I don’t feel could have been accomplished otherwise.

The game overall feels fantastic. The gameplay is really fun and flows well. The only problem I have at all with the game is that it pushes you too hard to go back and replay the same levels over and over again. To unlock the next season you have to collect seeds and plant them unlocking the season. I like the idea of collectibles leading to extra content, but I feel that it being forced for progression in the game takes away from the excitement of exploring on your own. The variety of levels feels fun and the different seasons feel truly different mechanically through the game. Over all I Truly enjoyed Fox n Forests, The gameplay felt good and always like it was tuned to fit well. I give Fox n Forests 4 out of 5 stars!

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Author Profile

Ben Spaulding

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