Comics, Let’s Talk: Denny O’Neil
Join host, Kevin Given, as he chats about the career of legendary creator, Denny O’Neil……. Dennis Joseph O’Neil, a/k/a Denny O’Neil May 3, 1939 ”“ June 11, 2020Â Â
Dennis Joseph O’Neil, a/k/a Denny O’Neil
May 3, 1939 ”“ June 11, 2020
Denny Oneil tribute
Q) What characters from classic literature does Denny compare to the
reaction of Frederick Wortham to Batman and Robin?
Q) Where was Denny O“Neil born in what year?
Q) Where did he go to college?
Q) What religion did his family follow?
Q) While in the navy, what military crises did he participate in?
Q) What comic book creator discovered Denny O“Neil and offered him a
job at Marvel comics?
Q) What prominent villain of Batman“s rogue“s gallery did O“Neil create?
Q) What adversary of Tony Stark did he create?
Q) What characters did he start writing for at the beginning of his
Q) What name did he use while freelancing at Charlton comics?
Q) What editor from Charlton brought Denny O“Neil to DC comics?
Q) When he went back to Marvel, who did Denny O“Neil put in the
Ironman suit?
Q) What title did he edit and occasionally write for?
Q) When did Denny O“Neil return to DC?
Q) What titles did he work on as editor and writer?
Q) Did Denny O“Neil write just for the comics medium?
Q) What Television shows did he write for?
Q) What awards did Denny O“Neil win?
Q) What titles did he win best individual story for?
Q) What school did he teach at in New York?
Q) Who was he married too?
Q) Who was his son?
Q) Who is Damien Wayne?
Q) Who is Ras Al Ghoul“s daughter?
Thanks for watching!
Follow Kevin on Twitter: @kevingiven17 and also make sure to visit the Karl Vincent: Vampire Hunter FB page
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Author Profile
- Kevin Given has studied with “ Longridge Writers Group †and “ Writer’s Boot Camp †a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the “ Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter †franchise which includes novels and comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of “ Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter †# 1 and “ Files of Karl Vincent †# 1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series “ Dracula Rising †(working title) and developing “ Foul Blood †into comic book form. Don't forget to check out the YouTube show " Comics: Let's Talk " hosted by Kevin Given
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