Comics, Let’s Talk!: Female Leads in Comic Book Movies
Comic Crusaders is happy to now be The NEW Home of UCPN’s video show, Comics, Let’s Talk, hosted by TeamCC member and Comic Book Historian Kevin Given! this episode is all about the history of Female Leads in Comic Book Movies peep the video below and see how many of the questions you can answer?
Q) What was the first movie based on a comic book that had a female lead?
Q) Which famous rock band got their name from this movie?
Q) Who was the female lead for this movie?
Q) What comic book company publishes her exploits originally and today?
Q) What other comic book-based movie shares much of the same cast and crew?
Q) What film was inspired by this movies costume designs?
Q) What Ariana Grande video was inspired by this movie?
Q) Who played Supergirl in the 1984 movie?
Q) Who was supposed to have a cameo in this movie but opted out?
Q) What Superman actor did appear in Supergirl?
Q) What is the Omegahedron?
Q) What Charlie“s Angel played Sheena in the 1984 movie?
Q) What comic book was the first to feature a female lead and when?
Q) Who was the first Jungle girl, which precedes Sheena, in literature and who created her?
Q) How many Sheena TV series were there?
Q) Who played Sheena in the first series?
Q) Who played Sheena in the TV re-boot.
Q) What super power did Sheena have in the TV re-boot?
Q) Who Wrote the 1984 Sheena and what movie did the writers Collaborate on the previous year?
Q) Who played Red Sonja in the feature film of the same name?
Q) What character did Arnold Schwarzenegger play in this movie?
Q) What other actors from the Conan series feature in this film?
Q) What story introduced the character that inspired Roy Thomas to create Red Sonja?
Q) What era does Rec Sonja take place in?
Q) What comic book Company produced Tank Girl?
Q) Who starred as Tank Girl in the film?
Q) What King Kong actress appears in Tank Girl?
Q) Where is Tank Girl set?
Q) What rock star assembles the movies sound track?
Q) What corporation does Tank Girl and her followers fight?
Q) What are the names of the soldiers that fight with Tank Girl?
Q) Who is the director of Tank Girl and how did come to make the movie?
Q) Where was Tank Girl filmed?
Q) Who did the Rippers make-up?
Q) Who starred in Vampirella?
Q) Who directed the movie?
Q) Can you name each comic book company that carried Vampirella?
Q) Who played Vampirella?
Q) Who called the movie a mess?
Q) Who did the director want for the role?
Q) What Rock star appeared in Vampirella?
Q) Who did the musical score for Vampirella?
Q) What comic book-based movie with a female lead came out the same year as Vampirella?
Q) Who starred in Barb Wire?
Q) What comic book published Barb Wire?
Q) Who pointed out that Barb Wire“s plot was identical to Casablanca?
Q) Who accepted her razzie award for Catwoman in person?
Q) Who played the villainess in the Catwoman movie?
Q) Selina Kyle is Catwoman in the comics and movies, what is Catwoman“s name in this film?
Q) Who plays Catwoman“s love interest?
Q) Who stars as Elektra in the movie of the same name?
Q) What film previously featured the character of Elektra?
Q) What was the domestic total of Elektra?
Q) What was the total take Elektra worldwide?
Q) What was the first comic book-based movie with a female lead to succeed both critically and commercially?
Q) Who played Wonder Woman in the movies.
Q) What was the first TV series with a female lead to succeed?
Q) What TV series lead to young women signing up to become police officers?
Q) Who played Wonder Woman in the 1970“s TV show?
Q) What TV network originally carried Wonder Woman?
Q) What network picked up Wonder Woman in the second season?
Q) How did the series, originally set during World War 2, differ when it moved to a new network?
Q) How was Lyle Waggoner able to play Steve Trevor throughout the series despite the thirty-year difference in the setting from season one to season 2?
Q) The following year another Superhero series debuted also on ABC it starred Lindsay Wagoner in the title role, what was it?
Q) What Network did the Bionic Woman more to in its final season?
Q) Why were both shows cancelled around the same time?
Q) What Marvel Superhero came on after Wonder Woman for its final season?
Q) Who is the first female Dr. Who?
Q) Who is playing Captain Marvel?
Q) What did Brie Larson say that caused controversy before the film was released?
Q) What film saw Brie Larson win the academy award for Best Actress?
Q) Who was the First Captain Marvel in Marvel comic books?
Q) How many Captain Marvel“s have there been in Marvel Comics?
Q) What character was also called Captain Marvel before Marvel copyrighted the name and who, coincidentally, is getting his own movie this year?
Follow Kevin on Twitter: @kevingiven17 and also make sure to visit the Karl Vincent: Vampire Hunter FB page
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Author Profile
- Kevin Given has studied with “ Longridge Writers Group †and “ Writer’s Boot Camp †a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the “ Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter †franchise which includes novels and comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of “ Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter †# 1 and “ Files of Karl Vincent †# 1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series “ Dracula Rising †(working title) and developing “ Foul Blood †into comic book form. Don't forget to check out the YouTube show " Comics: Let's Talk " hosted by Kevin Given
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