Comics Let’s Talk: Looking at the Life of the Late D.C. Fontana

Host Kevin Given gives us a look at the life of the  legendary and late D.C. Fontana.

Q) What year was D.C. Fontana born?
Q) Where was she born, then raised?
Q) Where did she go to High School?
Q) What year did she graduate?
Q) What is the only comic book that she wrote?
Q) When did she decide to become a writer?
Q) What University did she graduate from and what was her major?
Q) Where did she move to after graduating college?
Q) What job did she have at Screen Gems?
Q) What job did she have after moving to Los Angeles?
Q) What writer did she work as a secretary for?
Q) What Western series did they work for?
Q) After that series was cancelled, where did they move to?
Q) What was her first sale to the “Tall Man?”“
Q) What Star Trek actor appeared in “A Bounty for Billy?”“
Q) How old was she when she sold her first story sale?
Q) What other series did she work for with Peeples?
Q) How many story ideas did she sell while working with Peeples?
Q) What producer did she begin working for after Peeples moved on?
Q) What Gene Roddenberry series did she eventually work for?
Q) Why did she change her name from Dorothy Fontana to D.C. Fontana?
Q) When did she publish her first novel and who did she write it with?
Q) How was she introduced to Science Fiction, a genre she had never worked with before?
Q) What was her first assignment for Star Trek?
Q) How many Star Trek episodes did she write or co-write?
Q) What two story editors left Star Trek, paving the way for D.C. Fontana to take over?
Q) Why did she completely re-write the episode for the Ultimate Computer?
Q) How many writers worked on Harlan Ellison“s script for “The City on the Edge of Forever?”“
Q) Why was Harlan Ellison displeased with D.C. Fontana?
Q) When did she leave Star Trek as story editor?
Q) How did she stay on Star Trek?
Q) What was her Pseudonym when she was displeased with how an episode, such as “That Which Survives”“ came out?
Q) What did Leonard Nimoy credit her with?
Q) Who was the original romantic lead for the episode “This Side of Paradise?”“
Q) What show was she nominated for a Writer“s Guild of America award for in 1969?
Q) What Gene Roddenberry show did she write the novelization for?
Q) What were her jobs on Star Trek the Animated Series?
Q) What Emmy award did the animated Star Trek series win?
Q) After Star Trek the animated series ended, she went on to be the story editor for which Science Fiction series“?
Q) What other Science Fiction series did she write stories for?
Q) What show did she write scripts for with her brother?
Q) Why was she (supposedly) dissatisfied with her script for the Battlestar Galactica episode “The Gun on Ice Planet Zero?”“
Q) What was her job on “Star Trek: The Next Generation?”“
Q) Why did she have a falling out with Gene Roddenberry?
Q) What story did she write that was rejected by Gene Roddenberry?
Q) What happened in the fifth season that made her feel vindicated about her ideas for the series?
Q) What was her pseudonym for the episode “The Naked Now?”“
Q) What Star Trek novel did she write for pocket books.
Q) What episode did she write for Star Trek Deep Space Nine?
Q) What episodes did she work on for Babylon Five?
Q) What Star Trek games did she work on?
Q) What episode did she write for Star Trek New Voyages fan made show?
Q) What Star Trek episode is “To Serve all My Days”“ a sequel to?
Q) When did she serve on the board for the Writers Guild?
Q) What award did she win in 2002?
Q) What Western shows did she write scripts for?
Q) What episodes of Logan“s Run did she work on as story editor?
Q) What other Science Fiction series did she contribute episodes too?
Q) Who did she marry?
Q) What date did D.C. Fontana pass away?

Follow Kevin on Twitter: @kevingiven17 and also make sure to visit the Karl Vincent: Vampire Hunter FB page

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Author Profile

Kevin Given
Kevin Given has studied with “ Longridge Writers Group ” and “ Writer’s Boot Camp ” a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the “ Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter ” franchise which includes novels and comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of “ Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter ” # 1 and “ Files of Karl Vincent ” # 1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series “ Dracula Rising ” (working title) and developing “ Foul Blood ” into comic book form. Don't forget to check out the YouTube show " Comics: Let's Talk " hosted by Kevin Given


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