Comics, Let’s Talk: The History of Shazam in Comics and the Silver Screen
It’s Shazam fever across the movie-verse and comic-dom thanks in part to the new DC Comics Super-Hero film, Shazam. With that in mind our resident comic book historian, Kevin Given, discusses the history of Shazam in both film and comics.
Q) Why can“t Shazam be called Captain Marvel anymore?
Q) In the current DC universe, what gods give him his power?
Q) What were the original heroes and gods that gave him his powers?
Q) What happened to Billy Batson“s parents?
Q) Where is Billy living when the stranger leads him to Shazam?
Q) How is Billy supporting himself before he became a radio announcer?
Q) What are the seven deadly sins?
Q) Why did the wizard Shazam give Billy his super powers?
Q) Who is Billy“s sister and what is she called after gaining her powers?
Q) Who is Freddy Freeman?
Q) Who published Captain Marvel comics originally?
Q) What comic introduced the character to the world?
Q) Who was Captain Marvel“s look based on?
Q) Why did DC (National Periodicals) sue Fawcett comics?
Q) Who won the lawsuit?
Q) Who was the most popular comic book character in the 1940“s?
Q) Why did Fawcett comics close down?
Q) When did DC license the character?
Q) Was their a Captain Marvel between Fawcett and DC?
Q) In the silver age what character resembled Captain Marvel.
Q) Who is Uncle Dudley?
Q) What was the first post crises appearance of Captain Marvel?
Q) What is the major difference between the Silver age and Modern age Shazam?
Q) Who is Shazam“s arch-nemesis?
Q) How does Black Adam get his powers?
Q) When did Black Adam reform?
Q) What Superhero team did Shazam and Black Adam both join?
Q) Who did Black Adam marry?
Q) Why did Black Adam go back to being evil?
Q) Which Marvel character did Shazam face in Marvel vs DC?
Q) What comic book did “Curse of Shazam”“ make its debut in the new 52?
Q) What superhero team did the new 52 Shazam join?
Q) What Justice League character did Shazam become friends with in the Justice League?
Q) How does the new 52 Shazam differ from the main stream version?
Q) Who are the Vasquez“s?
Q) How many actors have played Captain Marvel in live action movies and TV?
Q) What is the main difference between the comic book and the 1974 TV series?
Q) What character was introduced in the Shazam TV series?
Q) Why was Jackson Bostwick fired from the TV series?
Q) Who replaced Bostwick on the TV series?
Q) Which boxer did John Davey work for as a sparring partner?
Q) What special introduced Garret Craig as Captain Marvel?
Q) What was the first animated appearance of Captain Marvel?
Q) How many actors voiced Captain Marvel/Shazam in cartoons?
Q) Which Batman Brave and Bold episodes does Captain Marvel appear in?
Q) Why did Republic pictures not do a Superman serial and wind up doing Captain Marvel instead?
Q) What number movie is Shazam for the DCEU?
Q) Who plays Dr. Sivano in Shazam?
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Author Profile
- Kevin Given has studied with “ Longridge Writers Group †and “ Writer’s Boot Camp †a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the “ Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter †franchise which includes novels and comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of “ Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter †# 1 and “ Files of Karl Vincent †# 1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series “ Dracula Rising †(working title) and developing “ Foul Blood †into comic book form. Don't forget to check out the YouTube show " Comics: Let's Talk " hosted by Kevin Given
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