#NCBD Spitfire Episode 5: 11th August Indie Comics
Dodgy helps you navigate the indie side of new comic book day only on NCBD Spitfire!
SpitFire’s Licenced Honorable Mentions (movies/ Toys/ TV/ Cartoons/ Video Games):
- Mighty Morphin #10 (Boom!)
- WWE New Day Power of Positivity #2 (Boom!)
- Shape of Elvira TP (Dynamite)
- Firefly Unification War TP, vol 3 (Boom!)
- Kiss Phantom Obsession #1 (Dynamite)
- My Little Pony Friendship of Magic #101 (IDW)
- Masters of the Universe Revelation #2 (Dark Horse)
- Hershey Disease TP
- Captain Harlock Space Pirate #3
Aftershock Comics
- Rainbow Bridge GN
- Campisi #1
- Clans of Belari #2
- Bunny Mask #3
Albatross Funnybooks
- Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done? GN
AWA Upshot
- Fight Girls #2 of 5
- Junky Cable #3
- Cinnamon #1
Boom! Studios
- Eve #4
- Mamo #2
Caliber Comics
- HP Lovecraft The Tomb TP
Dark Horse Comics
- The Secret Land #3
- The Unbelievable Unteens World of Black Hammer #1
- Hellboy & BPRD The Secret of Chesbro House #2
- The House of Lost Horizons #4
Dynamite Entertainment
- Bettie Page & The Cursed Banshee #3
- Red Sonja Black White Red #2
- Death Defying Devil Our Home TP
Flesk Publications
- Naughty and Nice Good Girl Art by Bruce Timm SC
- Pencil and Ink by Frank Cho SC/HC
Heavy Metal Magazine
- Savage Circus #5
- The Rise #2
- Never Never #2
IDW Publishing
- Canto III Lionhearted #2
Image Comics
- Birthright TP, vol 10
- Bitter Root #15
- Silver Coin #5
- 6 Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton #3
- Deep Beyond #7
- Man Among Ye #6
- Ordinary Gods #2
- Lady Mechanika TP, vol 1
Oni Press
- Jonna & the Unpossible Monsters TP
- Cheer Up & Pom PomsTP
Scout Comics
- Count Draco Knuckleduster #1
Wake Entertainment
- Asencia # 7
Thanks for watching!
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Author Profile
- The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!
An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!
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