REVIEW: Gunslinger Spawn #20

The Todd Father is back with issue 20 of Gunslinger Spawn and in McFarlane fashion he leads this story as an orchestra leader, providing panel by panel direction. Issue 20 starts with Javier, looking for a way to re-charge at the one place he considers safe, Taylor’s. When Taylor is not there, Javier falls asleep as we are quickly taken to Taylor who is about to find himself in a bit of trouble. No worries, Gunslinger is there but this is far from the end of the story.

If you are a Spawn fan then you must be besides yourself as we continue to see the expansion of the Spawn universe. With the success of Spawn which launched May of 1992, 31 years ago this month, we now have several spin off stories in the Spawn universe which includes Jeremy Winston AKA Gunslinger Spawn.

Gunslinger Spawn made a brief cameo in Spawn 119 before he made his official debut in Spawn 174. Discovered by Al Simmons who read about Gunslinger in a journal that was his great-great grandfathers. It isn’t until Spawn 174 we receive Gunslinger Spawn’s origin story. (See issue 174 to understand the relationship of Gunslinger to Al Simmons).

Today Gunslinger Spawn is off to a fast start as one of the more popular characters developed by Todd McFarlane. In issue 20 we also get another appearance of Dakota, Queen of the Dinosaurs who first appeared in Gunslinger issue 3. As you can image, if she makes an appearance you know things have gotten interesting!

The writing by Todd is great. His style of providing panel descriptions in the midst of the story is Todd Father 101. The art done by Brett Booth is amazing. The details in the features of each character is wonderful to see. Adelso Corona did the inking and Ivan Nunes did the colors which rounds out the artistic style found in Gunslinger. The art is what steals the show for me personally.

Writing 3.5 out of 5
Art 4.5 out of 5
Colors 4.5 out of 5

4 Stars


Written by; Todd McFarlane
Art done by; Brett Booth
Inked by; Adelso Corona
Colored by; Ivan Nunes
Lettering by; Tom Orzechowski
Publisher; Image Comics


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