Review: Marvel Action Classics Hulk #1

“Hulk wants a ribbon.” – The Incredible Hulk


This title contains two stories Bruce Banner and the Half-Monkey Prince and Best of show. In the first tale Bruce Banner and Rick
Jones arrives at Dr. Steven Stranges mansion. This seems to be Bruce’s first meeting with Dr. Strange. Strange tells Bruce that he might be able to separate his inner demon, the Hulk, from his person then trap the Hulk in another dimension.

The Creative Team:

Paul Benjamin brings the Hulk forth before Dr. Strange can attempt to separate the creature from his host body, Dr. Bruce Banner. As usual, the big green lug isn’t happy and tries to smash Bruce’s pet monkey, because the monkey’s head now seems to be on fire. It’s a fun tale that brings us the best of what originally made Hulk a great read, his uncontrollable fury, and unpredictability. I’m so into what Marvel and IDW are doing together. They’re bringing the fun back into the titles that I grew up with as a kid. Great stuff includes the Hulk’s reaction to being transported into a new dimension and Dormammu’s possession of a beloved character.

Nakayama and Martin are a great team that reminds you of the early days of Hulk comics and their Hulk is almost spot on to the original vision but with a modern sensibility. It makes the read a lot more fun and they are clearly channeling the best of early Hulk artists like Jack Kirby and Sal Buscema. Great stuff includes the astral dimension our heroes wind up in and the battle between Hulk and Dormammu.

In Conclusion:

I’m having so much fun with the Marvel/IDW mash-ups that I can’t get enough of them and this series is a fine way to spend an afternoon. Just when we think Steven Strange can help the beleaguered Bruce Banner something happens that, shall we say, doesn’t work the way it should, don’t want to give it away, suffice to say that Bruce Banner accepts the ultimate fate he’s been given and is not upset with Strange’s results. A great tale for an awesome comic.


In Best of Show, the Hulk appears to be the guest of Tony Stark and Spiderman as Spidey shows off his sticking ability. He’s even got Tony Bewildered with his abilities. Then a certain deity from the pages of Greek mythology shows up with an easy gig…dogsitting! Only it may not be as easy as all that.

Paul Toibin turns up the humor factor in this neat little tale of Hulk and company. Hercules calls upon this super trio to dog sit for his pets. One of which just happens to be the guardian of Hades, the Greek underworld home of the dead, yes, Cerebus is now in the care of Spiderman, Ironman, and the Hulk, at least for now! Great stuff includes the dogs going on a rampage and trying to eat Tony Stark and our heroes attempts to tame the hounds from hell. I had to laugh on every page as these mutts behave the way they should behave under these strange circumstances.

Lee and Pallot’s Hulk looks more like a cross between rampaging Hulk and the later Professor Hulk created by Dale Keown. This Hulk is a little calmer than the one in the first story and this tale is done for laughs. I enjoyed both stories and I like the inclusion of other heroes. Highlights in this issue include the dogs going on a rampage and the fight between Hercules and our heroes.

In Conclusion:

This tale may not go down as a classic, but it is funny enough to be added to any Hulk fans collection. One hilarious scene shows Hercules trying to convince a girl he wants to date that he’s the real deal from Greek mythology. I couldn’t stop laughing and it’s great to see a comic book that tickles our funny bone while delivering a tongue in cheek story about a boy and his dog(s). I loved both tales ***1/2 (8.3 rating)

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Writer – Paul Benjamin, Paul Toibin
Art – David Nakayama, Gary Martin, Alvin Lee, Terry Pallot
Colors – Michelle Madsen, Emilyn Warren
Letters – Dave Sharpe, Nate Piekos
Publisher – Marvel, IDW

Author Profile

Kevin Given
Kevin Given has studied with “ Longridge Writers Group ” and “ Writer’s Boot Camp ” a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the “ Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter ” franchise which includes novels and comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of “ Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter ” # 1 and “ Files of Karl Vincent ” # 1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series “ Dracula Rising ” (working title) and developing “ Foul Blood ” into comic book form. Don't forget to check out the YouTube show " Comics: Let's Talk " hosted by Kevin Given

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