
Review: Bloodborne#12

From the beginning off the Song of Crows storyline Ales Kot tells you the direction he intended to take Blood Borne, in issue #9 part 1 of Song of Crows : “No matter how hard you try to understand you will never know the whole story. You may even choose to convince yourself that you’ve found the right angle from which to see the totality of the world.”

I like puzzles…I fail miserably at them but But hey I’m going to give this Bloodborne book a try!  At first glance there are various underlying story-lines that definitely  helps out if you read the previous story arcs or at least had finished the game.

In the video game Eileen the Crow is a  hunter tasked with slaying hunters who have gone blood-drunk and sub-sequentially mad and violent from Beast Hunting. That’s why one of the first panels we saw in issue #9 was intriguing because we see the body of the Hunter the death of sleep storyline. The last we heard of the Hunter (last heard of in issue #4) and the Paleblood child was in Blood Borne 4 (No sign of the pale blood child though). But the most interesting thing was a note found in the mouth of one of the bodies that said ” Consciousness is a lake”. To which Eileen replied that ” There’s a hole in the center of the story”. Later on in issue #10 Eileen is freaking a passage from a book that says ” come and see your grief the gate”.

The Song of Crows storyline has been a chance for Piotr Kowalski to show of his skills of letting the art tell the story. With zero dialogue it was left up to the reader to make the connection between the art and the panels and the exposition layed neatly by letterer Aditya Bidikar.
Over the last couple of days I keep re-opening the issue to see what I may have missed but instead I kept finding myself distracted by the beauty of the panels.

As a speculator I don’t have much fidelity on a really big reason to collect the Bloodborne comic series yet have her I am encouraged by Sony`s willingness to expand the products associated with the Bloodborne franchise. It seems Blood Borne is getting an official board game adaptation thanks to a Kickstarter campaign  that has already surpassed  $200,000.  So I have to ask what’s next for Bloodeborne? A movie ala Silent Hill?


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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