Review: The Punisher #8
So, before we get to the review let me ask you a question. If you
So, before we get to the review let me ask you a question. If you
Following the events in the Death of Daredevil (Daredevil 609 – 612) written by Charles
STORY Grant Morrison weaves another great tale with this month’s Green Lantern. One of the
Michael Moreci and Hayden Sherman“s Wasted Space is an ambitious piece of Science Fiction that
Author: Gar Cremona / Artist(s): Cormac Hughes, Robert Carey, Barry McGowan Get a copy HERE Every Saturday we will
When I read a G.I. Joe book I don’t expect a story that is going
These are the kinds of Clark Kent stories I love. Yes, this is a story
Children“s books are a fantastic reminder for all of us about the essence of comic
All right, everything is in place, from the idea to the technical specs of the
Honestly, when I heard Amy Chu was leaving this book I was devastated. I mean,
   By: Shawn Warner I must admit before I began reading this current Conan series by
Dynamite are looking expand their BSG line, but rather than give us origin books of
The Forty Swords catch up to Dag and Elsbeth, and a battle is fought on
STORY Friendo is both intriguing and ingenious, the very definition of high concept as well
STORY This comic is weaving lots of story threads all in this one issue. Kraven
Author: Gar Cremona / Artist(s): Cormac Hughes, Robert Carey, Barry McGowan Get a copy HERE Every Saturday we will
If you“re a fan of James Brown; if you have experienced his groundbreaking catalogue, watched
Teen Titans Annual #1 features two separate stories to peruse and enjoy. The first story,
To me, the technical side of screenplay writing is just as important as the story
Comic book characters, like fashions, have a tendency to come around again. When they do,