The kids weren“t alright. And if you thought comics were to blame and Al Feldstein
The kids weren“t alright. And if you thought comics were to blame and Al Feldstein
Adam Lawson the writer/director of YouTube Originals series: Escape the Night; Along with Tabletop, Spellslingers
Enjoy the Valiant WonderCon panel from the comfort of your home! Valiant’s Craft of Comics panel features
Over the last couple years I have not been enthused by the efforts of some
One of the most difficult literary devices that a writer can use in film and
For a long time, I always held The Crow as one of the standards of
The stark thing that you’ll notice about Allison Conway“s The Lab is its lack of
by Jane Sandwood Around 20 million people play Dungeons and Dragons in the US, making
Michael Shannon, the guy who played the megalomaniac commander of Krypton’s armed forces, General Zod,
Bog Bodies is paranormal story cloaked in the framework of a mystery. Set in the
It seems this week is a bit of a finale when it comes to some
I can“t believe it has been 6 years since the original Nailbiter #1 was published.
STORY In 1978 Superman the movie came out, and it completely redefined Superman for many
It“s midway through the Claremont and Byrne run that the X-Men truly began to take
GLD, recently named by Forbes Magazine as “The Nike of Men“s Jewelry,”“ is proud to
Join the Comic Crusaders Team of Al Mega, Johnny “The Machine” Hughes and David “Nemesis”
In 1946, men in America were in trouble. And since superheroes were men as well,
G“Day Crusaders, This is tough for me.. Sadly Michael Mantlo the brother and advocate of
Vault Comics is extremely excited to announce that they have partnered with Level52 Studios to create a limited
First Product Release in Billabong LAB x Dr. Seuss Earth Day 2020 Collection Launches Today