Kickstarter Review: Start Again #3
Following a number of successful Kickstarters, the third issue of this superhero meets girl clashing
Following a number of successful Kickstarters, the third issue of this superhero meets girl clashing
The list for the top variant movers for the last 3 months. Why? Anyone can
June 11 marks the 13th anniversary of the release of Napoleon Dynamite, which became both
By the time they began work on the Dark Phoenix Saga, Chris Claremont and John
This review contains spoilers. Like the original series, “City of Angels”“ opts for the shorter
Its happened. Speculators have lost their minds. They have now begun speculating on a new
STORY Today I review a comic created by Sina Grace, whose work I must say
In the current continuity of GI Joe, Cobra has taken over the world and crushed
Much mention has been made that when Denny O“Neil and Neal Adams began their celebrated
Jim Henson’s Storytellers is an interesting concept from Boom Studios where a new writer/artist is
Bottom-line upfront, Venom #25 has the template that all the comic titles should be following
The kids weren“t alright. And if you thought comics were to blame and Al Feldstein
Adam Lawson the writer/director of YouTube Originals series: Escape the Night; Along with Tabletop, Spellslingers
Enjoy the Valiant WonderCon panel from the comfort of your home! Valiant’s Craft of Comics panel features
Over the last couple years I have not been enthused by the efforts of some
One of the most difficult literary devices that a writer can use in film and
For a long time, I always held The Crow as one of the standards of
The stark thing that you’ll notice about Allison Conway“s The Lab is its lack of
by Jane Sandwood Around 20 million people play Dungeons and Dragons in the US, making
Michael Shannon, the guy who played the megalomaniac commander of Krypton’s armed forces, General Zod,