REVIEW: The Herculoids #1
In the expansive universe of comic book revivals, Dynamite Entertainment has once more turned its
In the expansive universe of comic book revivals, Dynamite Entertainment has once more turned its
What a great tribute to the beloved cartoon the 5th installment of Powerpuff Girls has
With their new The Terminator series Declan Shalvey and David O’Sullivan sew together a brilliant,
Barbarella is back with a campy sci-fi adventure that feels like a throwback to cheesy
A rather dissapointing second issue for the Gargoyles Quest series. A myriad of new gargoyle
The ever sexy, blood queen in red and white makes her return for yet another
Barbarella invaded Quryx with the Brotherhood, but at what cost? First things first, credits. Writer–
For one reason or another, I have seem to have missed a few issues of
Writer: Ron Marz Art: Abhishek Malsuni Genre: Science Fiction Publication Date: Feb 2015 Format: Comic