Al chats with Peter Galperin – Comic Crusaders Podcast #324
Hang out as Al chats with a songwriter, writer/artist. Peter Galperin. Tune in as the
Hang out as Al chats with a songwriter, writer/artist. Peter Galperin. Tune in as the
Today Al chats with comedian, actor, writer, director and now comic book creator. Josh Ruben.
Hang out as Al chats with writer/indie comics creator, Corissa Grant of Worthy Chaos Comics
Today Al chats with the man behind Crafti Comics, where they sell frames and display
Today Al chats with Writer, Director, Comedian, Podcaster, Publisher, Chris Mancini. Tune in to learn
Today Al chats with writer and artist Dan Membiela about his new comic from Band
Hang out with Al Mega as he chats with the creative duo of Richard Duree
Hang out with Al Mega as he chats with Producer, Director, Comic Book Writer and
Hang out with AL M3GA as he chats with the team behind Macroverse, Adam Martin
Today Al chats with Founder, President, Visionary Top-100 Crypto Founder, Geoff McCabe, about LightningWorks, which tells
What is it about trucks we love so much. Thanks to films like Smokey and
Another month and another new universe to get acclimated with; this time from the folks
They say that nothing ventured is nothing gained. With this little idiom sitting in your
“‘Tis the season to be scary, tra la la laaa, la la, la, la”. It
One of the best thing about writing for CC is that I get to see
Being something of an Ol’ Timer myself, having a book called Old Dog brought a
Skybound X #25 is a great representation of why, page for page, Skybound is the
Back in the day, in a little village I used to live in, there was
My second favourite adult comic couple, behind Stejpan Sejic’s Ally and Lisa, Cathy and Dan
The comic book world is full of fans who love their personal favourites, be it