Review: Eight Billion Genies #1 (of 8)
There are more to comic books than just superheroes, which fans pretty much take as
There are more to comic books than just superheroes, which fans pretty much take as
Hang out as fellow Crusader, Bracey, chats with a legend of indie comics, Erik J.
Crossover is a fun, funny, jumble of a book the comics industry and it’s complicit
Crossover #11 shows exactly why this is the most exciting book on the stands. It
They say it never rains ’till it pours! Imagine then if that rain is nail
Looking over a book that is several issues is a bit of a challenge. True,
The fifth and final issue of this horror come obsession book hits the racks and
One of the biggest hits this year, at least for my money, was the superlative
Having just watched No Time To Die, I feel that I am in the perfect
The treat or threat of A.I. raises its head again this month with a book
When it comes to sexy story time, there is probably no better creator around than
Sunder-Sunder-Sunder Katz, YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Tune in to a NEW Comic Crusaders vidcast series, The Sunder Katz,
Looking for a new series, that pits nuance and style against pacing and sudden bouts
When things get tough, won’t it be nice to disappear, to kind of step off
Thanks, in part, to American Horror Story, the old haunted house trope has become more
I once heard a joke that asked what do humans and dolphins have in common;
There are a few constants that make up my world view; fishnets are cool, always
The final chapter of this not so shaggy dog story finally hits the stands this
As I write this review, it is Father’s Day in the UK. How apt then
With all the heaviness of event books, it’s a great time to break out the