REVIEW: Eden’s Fall #1
Ah, there is nothing like a little town in the forest green of America that
Ah, there is nothing like a little town in the forest green of America that
By Richard Starkings & Abigail Jill Harding, published by Image One sec… AAAAAAAAAHHHHH WHAT THE
Breaking down superheroes is a trend that Mark Millar continues to mine, with the new
So, this review is going to be as potentially divisive as Renato Jones may turn
July this year, a books hits the stand that has the potential to be, as
What do you do when you stop seeing the light in the tunnel of your
Rowan Black is trying to take it easy, visiting her cop partner and his expecting
The Biggest Challenge Interview and Article by Ian Nichols [A small fraction of Pat’s cover
Publisher:Â IMAGE COMICS (W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Rafael Albuquerque This week, Millar and Albuquerque’s “intention” powered
Story By: Kelly Sue DeConnick Art By: Taki Soma Cover By: Valentine De Landro This
G’Day Crusaders, This is Dodgy86 in the mix bringing you Rumble # 10 from Image
I grew up in a Catholic household, that typical Italian-American family from Brooklyn that you
Publisher:Â IMAGE COMICS (W) Rick Remender (A/CA) Wesley Craig Ah, the end of term/semester, what a
Story By: Dan Watters Art By: Caspar Wijngaard Normally, I just pick up a book,
It was October 21st, 2015, a date we now all know as Back to the
Publisher:Â IMAGE COMICS (W) Matt Hawkins (A/CA) Raffaele Ienco What is it about future type societies
Story By: Richard Starkings and John Roshell Art By: J. Scott Campbell Publisher: Image Comics
Story By: Ron Marz, Matt Hawkins &  Marc Silvestri Art By: Keu Cha, Stjepan Sejic, Abhishek Malsuni, Brian Ching, Randy
STORY BY Mark Millar, ART BY Rafael Albuquerque, Publisher: Image Comics Every now and again a book comes
The Goddamned #1 Written by Jason Aaron Art by r.m. Guéra Colors by Giulia Brusco