REVIEW: King Spawn #22
King Spawn 22 starts where issue 21 ended, with EXODUS harvesting human brains working to
King Spawn 22 starts where issue 21 ended, with EXODUS harvesting human brains working to
Todd McFarlane is a man known for shooting straight from the hip. So, when he
Do you like comics? What about dogs? Do you enjoy (reading about) dystopian Orwellian futures?
Having Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino’s names against a new title means that readers can
The latest installment in the adventures of Travon, a brother from another solar. Buckle up
As Nirvana and Jay-Z before them, McFarlane and Capullo have put a stripped down twist
Chuck Brown’s “Flawed” is yet another action packed and entertaining narrative in his bibliography focused
Skybound Comet debuted a brand-new trailer for OUTPOST ZERO: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION, the acclaimed YA series from
The spirit of competition has been alive and well this NCBD week as Image Comics
Sex sells! Thats any kind of sex by the way, be it comic books, MTV
It still baffles me just how well Andre Lima Araujo can convey coherent and complete
Johnnie Christmas is a pen name that catches the eye. Irregardless of The Silver Coin
Upon reading last weeks most recent “Ice Cream Man”, detailing the tale of a writer
Wrestling and comics are two parts of pop culture that never really get their fair
Enthralled and in anticipation for the latest issue of Erik Larsen’s remix of the origins
Megastar artist Todd McFarlane reveals the SCORCHED #6 cover artwork, the final of the four connecting covers
It starts with a pathologist that walks into an autopsy room is under extra-ordinary security
Mark Millar and Stuart Immonen cap off another volume of The Magic Order with this
Ant No.3 is something else. I would not be surprised if Hannah Washington is related
Never has a Honda Civic looked so desirable. Andre Araujo has a niche in “A