From the currently airing anime series Dropout Idol Fruit Tart comes a scale figure of Ino Sakura!
From the currently airing anime series “Dropout Idol Fruit Tart”“ comes an all-new scale figure
From the currently airing anime series “Dropout Idol Fruit Tart”“ comes an all-new scale figure
There are three “Speared Rowers”“ that can be removed and deployed or equipped on the
The newest character to join the FINE ART STATUE lineup is Captain America! This statue
All Might from the hit anime series My Hero Academia joins the Kotobukiya ARTFX J
Hobby manufacturing company, Kotobukiya (Tokyo, Japan), will release “Brave Girl”“ from Kotobukiya“s CROSSFRAME GIRL GaoGaiGar
Hobby manufacturing company, Kotobukiya (Tokyo, Japan), will release “Doctor Strange”“ as a new addition to