Top 10 Comics for the Week of 3/13/2019
This was another solid week of comics with plenty of quality titles that did not
This was another solid week of comics with plenty of quality titles that did not
Before we start a new week of comics let’s take a look back at the
These are the kinds of Clark Kent stories I love. Yes, this is a story
Welcome to a new series I hope to keep up throughout the year where I
After last issue’s, almost a fill-in / not quite a fill-in, we are back with
People often talk about the downsides of having a character as powerful as Superman. The
Issue eight of this long running, seemingly endlessly delayed maxi series, sees a range of
Following a spate of Tweets involving a 9 panel page featuring Poison Ivy, and the
Action Comics #1004 doesn’t have a whole lot of action in it and I’m okay
How do you follow a masterpiece? Some would argue the best way is by creating
Now that all the hoopla regarding a certain writers defection to DC has died down
“Bendis is coming! Bendis is coming!” has been the chant from many a DC advert
This week saw the release of tribute to one of the key creators; someone, some
History, it is claimed, is written by the victor. In the comics world, this idiom
“Providing Hope for 80 years!” Say what you want about Superman; yes he can be
Timing, in cooking, life and love, is of paramount importance. Without timing, your soufflé will collapse,
A little known fact to even the most avid of comic book fans is that
OK, with one thing and another, the constant flood of Batman related tie-ins have finally
Since May 2016, the threads of this maxi series had been weaved throughout Rebirth. For
The most asked question in comics is not, surprisingly “how can no one tell that Clark