, in Partnership with DIRECTV, Launches Third Annual Chief of Cheer Campaign to Celebrate the Holiday Season

Earn $2,500 to binge-watch 25 holiday classics in 25 days, plus enjoy a year of free streaming with seven top services., a home entertainment website, announced today that applications are open for the 2024 Chief of Cheer position. In partnership with DIRECTV, we will pay one holiday lover $2,500 to watch 25 movies in 25 days.

As the holidays approach faster each year, the team at created the Chief of Cheer position to encourage everyone to slow down and savor the season. Whether your go-to holiday movie is It’s a Wonderful LifeHome Alone, or Die Hard, nothing beats cozying up on the couch with a blanket, hot cocoa, and a favorite film.

“At, our mission is to guide our audience to the best in entertainment. What better way to do that than through a dream job that celebrates the magic of holiday movies?” says Olivia Bono, streaming writer at “Now in its third year, this campaign is our way to guide our audience to the best in seasonal entertainment through some of our favorite streaming services—and reward one audience member for their holiday cheer.”

With movies spread across several streaming platforms, it’s hard to know where to watch your favorite holiday features. That’s why this year, we’ve added to our “benefits package” by giving the Holiday Dream Job recipient full access to seven streaming platforms for one year. Additionally, they will get a year of DIRECTV STREAM and a Minky Couture blanket.

“Partnering with DIRECTV on the Chief of Cheer campaign is a great way to bring even more holiday cheer,” said Garrett Briggs, managing director at “With DIRECTV STREAM, the winner can dive into live TV, on-demand classics, and exclusive content—all from the comfort of home. We’re excited to help audiences enjoy every festive moment with their favorite shows and movies through a variety of streaming and live TV services.”

Applications for the dream job open November 1, 2024 and will remain open until 11:59 pm MT on November 29, 2024. Applicants must be legal US residents above the age of 18.

You can find more information and the application form here:

About launched in 2007 as a way for folks to find cable and internet providers in their neighborhood. Since then, our content has evolved with the TV industry to cover entertainment, streaming, traditional TV, and home internet. Visit the Press or About Us pages to learn more.

About DIRECTV: As a leader in sports and entertainment for almost 30 years, DIRECTV provides industry-leading content, service, and user satisfaction. By reimagining what is possible, DIRECTV’s mission is to aggregate, curate and deliver exceptional, innovative service to its customers. DIRECTV provides customers the choice of watching sports, movies, and TV shows on their TVs at home or their favorite mobile devices via the DIRECTV app.

Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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