Fan Film Review: Henchman

Take 1 part Monty Python, add a heaped teaspoon of Austin Powers and a sprinkling of fandom and you have the Henchmen, a true little gem of a film.

It does take from an existing concept yeah; the backstory of an unknown henchman is something that’s been touched upon before.. BUT it embraces it with style. It’s the kind of film where you can forgive the not amazing green screens because it adds to the charm of this.

When we look back over cherished films over history especially those that have become cult classics, we forgive the cheesy dialogue and effects because we love the characters or the franchise, that approach should be used watching this tongue in cheek fan classic.

I genuinely belly laughed my way through this film, from its over the top evil mastermind to its campy almost Adam West Batman acting style.

The lead man is brilliant throughout, it’s rare to root for a character that’s usually a throwaway in any other film but that’s literally the point.

It’s the kind of film that you can enjoy whether you’re a fan of the above mentioned genres or not.

Directed by Mike Roe

*A GeekFest FilmFest 2020 Selection

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P Hayden


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