Fan Film Review: Little Man of Steel

Little Man of Steel (2013) - IMDbIf you’re a comic book fan, specifically a fan of DC comics, the minute you hit puberty and are made aware of human sexuality your mind invariably wanders to one pressing subject; what is going on with Clark Kent and Lois Lane?  The subject has been broached in movies such as “Mallrats”, TV shows like “The Big Bang Theory” and in comic shops all around the world.  Does kryptonite need to be involved in flagrante delicto?  Do red sun heat lamps need to provide the mood lighting?  Would Lois survive the incident and if she does and gets pregnant; will this super child be a threat to Superman’s main squeeze?  You know you’ve wondered all these things.

<Spoiler Warning> “Little Man of Steel” by Larry Ziegelman gives us a different look at this topic for the ages in a short film that is both irreverent, entertaining and hilarious.  Clark (Kyle Bares) and Lois (Kimberly Leemans) enter a pharmacy with Lois keen to invest in a hat for the little man of steel so that she can bed Big Blue.  Ziegelman trades on the timeless situation where the uncomfortable male is confronted by the pharmacist in white lab coat who offers customer service in this specialty purchase.  The pharmacist, deadpan and delighting in the discomfort of the nervous guy, drolly presents the various products while working hard to contain their mirth.  Eventually, the pharmacist retreats in the face of Clark’s incredible naivete’.  This leaves a frustrated Lois alone with Clark.  As Lois attempt to nail Clark down and get him to give in to her advances, Clark continues to zoom off to deal with one situation or another.  Eventually, Lois is convinced that Clark is avoiding her altogether because he is a virgin.  Clark, flustered and sexually frustrated himself, admits that not only is he not a virgin but that he lost his virginity to an alternate Earth version of Lois herself!  That goes down as well as you might think.  What follows is a delightful farce that unravels faster and faster as the short film goes on.  Eventually, The Man of Steel gets the girl and foils a crime in one of the most hilarious endings to a scene I’ve seen in quite some time.  It is not hyperbole when I say it was laugh out loud funny, I giggled for a long while afterward and even as I write this the thought of the film brings a sophomoric smile to my face.  <Spoiler Warning>

Little Man of Steel | Audience AwardsThis short movie was filmed well; the framing, lighting and production both polished and professional.  The actors in the movie give excellent performances, with Lois’ exasperated sexual frustration and Clark’s mid-west naivete’ clashing with each other in hilarious juxtaposition.  On camera, both Bares and Leemans are delightful together.  They brought a believable chemistry to their roles and established themselves in the characters to great affect.  Not an easy feat in a short film that is 10 minutes in length.

In short, this movie was delightful and wickedly fun.  I can’t recommend it highly enough for it’s hilarious take on this iconic relationship.  Look for this short film and watch it, you won’t regret it.

Overall Score:  5 of 5 Stars

Director – Larry Ziegelman
Lois Lane – Kimberly Leemans
Clark Kent – Kyle Bares

Little Man of Steel (Larry Ziegelman, 10 mins) Lois and Clark go on their next great adventure ”“ condom-shopping. Starring Kimberly Leemans, Kyle Bares RATED PG-13

Author Profile

Nemesis is a poet, writer and author of the upcoming novel The Long Game. He is a writer of science fiction and supernatural thrillers. Besides novels and short stories he writes for UK based ASAP Comics developing new stories for Level 8 and OPSEC. Nem is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and tries to bring those experiences into his writing.

He lives and works out of his home in Riverside, California with his wife and three children. When not writing he enjoys reviewing comic books and graphic novels for and living the Southern California life with his family.


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