MOVIE REVIEW: Sicario: Day of the Soldado
The follow-up movie to Sicario takes a turn when it appears that terrorists are smuggling themselves in through the Mexican border. Josh Brolin’s character is in the middle east trying to get information from terrorists, and being very successful at it too, when his handlers call him back to the USA to get on top of this new situation. When he’s given a blank cheque and free-reign to solve the cartels once and for all there is only one man he can turn to Benico Del Toro. Emily Blunts character is not in this one but you get the feeling that this is just a set up to a third film which brings her back and puts an end to trilogy.
I thought that the first Sicario was a good film. I didn’t jump around the place screaming the praises of the film, but I liked it, I liked it a lot, it’s just I felt that we were concentrating on the wrong character, which was Blunt. I wanted more Del Toro and more Brolin. I think that the filmmakers must have heard my prayers or at least have the house bugged as that’s exactly what I got in the second film.
I also got a lot of good gun play, and as an action fan that’s important, and a very strong story to boot. I can’t put this down to Blunt being missing, nor do I have a problem with the new Mary Poppins, it’s just that the writer and director wanted to take us on a different journey this time which forwarded the story. We’re taking to border towns where American’s and Mexicans live with the daily incursion of immigrants trying to get to a better life. The Cartels have discovered that the transportation of these hopeful people is a better source of income with less risk than they have on the drugs front. But Brolin’s plan is to unsettle the Cartel’s by kidnapping one of their daughters and pinning it another leader trying to seize power. Because of his love of revenge against those who killed his family Del Toro is happy to jump on board to pull the trigger and wipe them all out.
Once the daughter is on American soil the dial goes from 10 to 11. No one is safe and there are leaks coming from everywhere. When trying to set up the return of the daughter into Enemy territory so they can start the war between cartels. The Daughter is played by Isabela Moner and I can tell you that she holds her own against the surrounding cast and if you can be bothered to look up who is in this film, as I’m too lazy to tell you them all, then it’s quite something. Her maturity and stubborn nature is pure brilliance.
If you liked the first one, or haven’t seen it yet, then watch the first one, this is a superior film to me in nearly every way. Every performer is spot on with their portrayal of the character they are playing and nothing is going to end as it seems. You can’t predict the ending and that is amazing in this day and age. My only flaw is that something happens to a main character that should have ended very differently for him, and when we see him again he seems to be unaffected by the event. This is one very minor problem in what is otherwise one of the best action films that I’ve seen this year. Check it out!
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Director:Â Stefano Sollima
Writer:Â Taylor Sheridan
Stars: Benicio Del Toro, Josh Brolin, Isabela Moner, Emily blunt & more…. See full cast & crew
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