Movie Review: Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks The Internet
I have come to the conclusion that the stigma of sequels is that of a double edged sword, that sword being either the sequel is really good or really bad. So it’s safe to say that filmmakers these days are mindful of that and walk a fine line when creating a sequel. Disney, amazingly enough walked that fine line with the sequel to it’s animated film Wreck it Ralph with Wreck it Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet. For those who have yet to see the first movie, I would highly suggest you see the first one prior to watching this as it ties a lot back to the first with various references and characters.
The story continues with two arcade game characters, Ralph and Vanellope, who’s friendship has become closer since the first and second movies. The premise of the story is that Vanellope’s arcade game broke, and to protect it from being sent off for parts, Ralph and Vanellope travel to the vast world of the internet to locate the part needed to save her game. Their eyes are opened to a world that they never knew existed, and I must say this is by far the best visual explanation of what the internet is. The humor and jokes in the movie are absolutely fantastic, and to see the internet as a huge metropolis was impressive to see. It definitely allows for the viewer to watch for all sorts of things as Disney packed this movie with all sorts of easter eggs, and it was definitely nice to see that Disney took full advantage of all of the franchises of which they own. The flow of the story wasn’t bad considering it didn’t require to spend half of the movie establishing the characters etc rather jumping in to the story but I will admit there are parts of the movie that are slow etc. Those were thankfully few and far in between between the laughs, the action and those moments that will tug at your heart strings.
The voice acting was absolutely superb with talent such as John C. Riley, Sarah Silverman, Gal Gadot, Alan Tudyk and more. Even the returning supporting characters that didn’t have a major impact on the story left a mark that will have you laughing a lot in their moments. I loved, absolutely loved the various video game references and internet references that are made in this movie, and I can assure you that after watching this, there’s a good chance you’ll have a different view of yourself the next time you surf the internet. There is a mid-credit scene that I will not spoil whatsoever, but say that it is worth staying for and the way they kicked it off was pure genius in the writing of it.
All in all I would say this is definitely going to be a movie worth seeing, and one that appeals to all ages, both with humor for the kids, but also for their parents. Wreck It Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the Internet releases in theaters Wednesday November 21st in theaters, and will definitely be the most sought out movie to see this Thanksgiving weekend.
Wreck It Ralph: Ralph Breaks The Internet
Author Profile
- Growing up, I'm a stereotypical nerd. I love comics, superheroes, video games, you name it I love it. Except tofu, that stuff is just different. Fast forward a few years, Now I'm living my dream where being a "nerd" is cool, and I have the wonderful opportunity to do exactly what I want to do; Read comics, play video games, and show off my passion for geek culture for the world to see and not care what critics may think. Aside from reviewing games, comics, being a member of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network and Geekery Magazine, I love sports of all kinds, and especially following all of my teams from the great state of Colorado. Being random is what I love doing because it why not be random, it makes life interesting. Make sure to also follow me on Twitter for updates on live gaming streams on other shenanigans at @TheRandomeDud3.
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