#SixT: Top Ten – Tom Hanks Performances
Top Ten – Tom Hanks Performances
From his eighties comedic run, to his time as a romantic lead and then his career taking on a more serious and epic feel, it’s fair to say that acting heavyweight Thomas Jeffrey Hanks has brought more than his fair share to the acting game.
We’re going to look at his top ten performances as decided by a panel of experts… I say panel, just me… I say experts… I like films.
Anyway, this is my list:
Number 10.
The Burbs
Another comedic favourite of mine pits the Hanky one against his weird (and possible murderous) neighbours in this eighty’s classic, filmed in one location giving it a definite real street, nosy neighbours feel.
Much to the dismay of his wife, played wonderfully by the legendary Carrie Fisher, he teams up with epic actor Bruce Dern and the hilarious Rick Ducommun and sets out to prove that the mysterious Klopek family are responsible for disappearances, murder and not maintaining their lawn properly!!
The shining moment is Tom Hanks limping his way out a burning building and sliding down the front steps all while maintaining a calm straight faced look.
Just amazing!
Number 9.
The Money Pit
This film may not be in other Tom Hanks top tens but let me tell you why it’s in mine.
It’s. Bloody. Brilliant.
Sure it’s a little cliché at times and the humour is slap sticky and sometimes predictable BUT (I use caps BUT’S and I cannot lie) this film has moments of utter side splitting laughs that had me doing that weird snorty thing when you’ve laughed too hard.
Examples – The moment he gets trapped in the rug and the look of shock as he drops and when the bath is being filled up… you know the bit.
It’s a genius film and he was brilliant in it.
Number 8.
Toy Story Franchise
To number seven, not beyond!
I enjoy this film franchise, but my kids really love it, they’re huge fans still now even though my eldest is now an adult. It’s more for happy family movie nights that I’ve included it on here over more serious roles.
If you haven’t heard of it then where the hell have you been?
Anyway, long story short, he plays cowboy doll and is the favourite toy of Andy until Buzz Lightyear comes on the scene, screw you Buzz Lightyear!
Hanks and Tim Allen (Lightyear) are a fantastic double act and reminded me of the classic buddy films.
I have often read that his character Woody was originally written as more of an asshat character, I can’t imagine him playing the role that way so glad they changed it.
Number 7.
The Da Vinci Code Franchise
Yes, it’s another franchise for you here so looking across three films at the character of Professor Robert Langdon that Hanks (or Mr Hanks sir, if you’re reading this Mr Hanks sir) plays fantastically.
Stories that make you use your brain, especially the first one, watching Langdon go toe to toe on an intellectual level with the mighty Ian McKellen’s character Leigh Teabing was an absolute delight.
Side note – Paul Bettany’s character Silas was another high point of that film, he freaked the s**t out of me!
Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Langdon’s super sleuth in action.
Number 6.
Sleepless in Seattle
Long before dating apps and swiping a screen to find true love (or whatever it is you’re after) there were these other types of phones called land… lines? Well you could use these to call into to radio shows and discuss your personal business with a nosy host, I’m looking at you Dr Marcia Fieldstone!
Well on this occasion the call was extremely helpful as Jonah Baldwin, played brilliantly by Ross Malinger phoned into her show about his father Sam (Hanks) being sad and lonely after they had previously lost Jonah’s mother to cancer. Annie Reed is across the country listening to this and over the course of the film begins to fall for Sam.
After a few moments of crossed wires and JUST missing each other they get their acts together (again thanks to Jonah) and they meet on the Empire State Building and seemingly fall in love… just like King Kong and Ann Darrow… kind of.
Number 5.
Forrest Gump
“I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.” What else do you need to sum up a character than that line? Hanks plays a man who does not see his own impact on the world, wanting only to be with Jennay (Yes spellcheck I know!) and live his life quietly and happily.
But he struggled to get what he wanted and instead he did the following…
- He was named on the ‘All American Team’
- Met three American presidents (JFK, Lydon B. Johnson and Nixon)
- Went to war and saved many lives, including his own lieutenant Dan (Shout out to the amazing Gary Sinise)
- Was interviewed next to John Lennon
- Spoke at the ‘March on The Pentagon’ peace rally (Though his microphone was sabotaged)
- Played ping-pong for his country
- Started the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company
- Goes cross country running for three years
And more…
Let me put that into perspective for you, today I have eaten, got a stitch from eating too much, drank tea and written this so imagine how much I’ve got done!
I love the film, the character, the man!
Number 4.
The first Academy Award win for Hanks and well deserved in this powerful and moving film. Playing a closeted gay man who also hides the fact he has aids from everyone at the law firm he works at, he is discovered, outed and later fired.
He forms an initially unsteady alliance with Lawyer Joe Miller, played by the incredible Denzel Washington and they take the firm to court.
This film is a rollercoaster on the emotions, showing discrimination and prejudice but much more importantly it shows strength, acceptance and true love.
Number 3.
Nostalgia plays a huge part with this film being in my top 3. I saw this as a child and love it for its humour of course but it also gave me a very important life lesson.
As youngsters we all want to grow up quicker and not until we’re adults that we realise that we should have embraced our childhood much more.
Basically, this is covered in Big, young Josh Baskin likes a girl with long legs and makes a wish on the carnival arcade game Zoltar to be big. In his head that means being slightly taller so he can date the girl and go on the big boy roller coaster, but you need to be more specific with that tricky swine Zoltar!
Young Josh becomes fully adult Josh overnight and so begins his journey from boy to man in under two hours.
It’s an incredible film, go and watch it.
Number 2.
The Green Mile
In this sensational film Hanks plays correction officer Paul Edgecomb who looks after the death row inmates, enter new inmate John Coffey played incredibly by Michael Clarke Duncan and what I still believe to be one of the most beautiful performances I’ve ever seen.
Coffey and Edgecomb form a magical lifelong bond, emphasis on long life for Edgecomb! The two actors also shared a huge amount of respect for one another and it truly shows, their time on screen is some of the finest acting I’ve ever seen.
For me this is one of the greatest films ever made, I could watch it right now, in fact I might and strongly suggest you do too.
Number 1.
Cast Away
Very few actors can hold the screen alone, but his royal Hankship is one of them.
Give that man an island and he’ll give you one hell of a performance, watching him transform from lost and scared city man to a slightly crazy yet highly efficient wild man with a volleyball as his best friend.
His commitment to the role too was impressive, losing the weight to properly portray a man fed on fish and a shit load of coconuts.
The thing I thought was genius was he showed the same level of fear when re-entering the civilised world than he showed earlier in the film when he first washed up on the island.
The man is bloody brilliant!
That’s my list, I know some people are probably thinking I’ve missed off some great films and you’re right, I have. When you have such an amazing list that’s going to happen!
It’s time to tag in the next crusader!
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