Inspired by true events set against the backdrop of Cuba’s 1990’s punk subculture, Los Frikis is a powerful coming-of-age story centering around Gustavo who idolizes his older brother Paco and his punk bandmates.   As oppression and extreme poverty tighten their grip, the Frikis take a desperate and defiant stand, intentionally injecting themselves with HIV to gain refuge in a government-run sanatorium. There, in a world meant for isolation, they carve out their own anarchic utopia—an oasis of rock ‘n’ roll, joy, freedom and acceptance.

Los Frikis marks the return of writers and directors Michael Schwartz and Tyler Nilson in their follow-up to the critically acclaimed hit, The Peanut Butter Falcon, and is produced by Academy Award-winning filmmakers Christopher Miller and Cuban-American filmmaker Phil Lord through their production shingle Lord Miller.  Director Michael Schwartz said “Tyler and I felt an immense responsibility bringing the true stories of the “Frikis” that intentionally contracted HIV in the early 90’s to the screen. This film emerged from friendships we built with artists in the Cuban community, and we waited ‘till we could assemble a team of actors and producers capable of telling such a layered story. A story that reminds us that friendship, love, and community can bring hope to any situation. We are so excited to share Los Frikis with audiences.”

Producer Phil Lord added, “Being Cuban-American, I’ve been exposed to many stories that would likely be lost if they aren’t able to find ways to be told through wider audiences. It’s been important to myself and Chris to help tell these Latino stories under our Lord Miller banner. The generosity and collaborative spirit of our whole cast, along with insight from additional Cuban writers, directors, artists, and friends across the Cuban diaspora helped create a beautiful film that truly comes from the heart of Cuba, but is meant for the entire world.”

Star and Executive Producer Adria Arjona concluded, “When I first read the script, I was so taken aback that I had never heard about this story; it uncovered a part of Latin American history I didn’t know existed. There was heartbreak, comedy, and two beautiful love stories woven throughout. It was so punk rock and cool, with a real edge to it. Filming it was one of the best experiences of my life. Many of the actors had never left Cuba before this project, and seeing life through their eyes is the biggest gift filmmaking has ever given me. Los Frikis is the most important movie I have made, and probably will ever make!”

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Directed and written by Michael Schwartz & Tyler Nilson
Produced by Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Jordan Fudge, Jeremy Allen, Aditya Sood, Rebecca Karch Tomlinson, Tyler Nilson,Michael Schwartz
Executive Produced by Adria Arjona, Anthony Mark
Co-produced by Héctor Medina, Tess Cohen
Starring  Adria Arjona,  Héctor Medina, introducing Eros de la Puente, with Luis Alberto García and Jorge Perugorría

Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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