Writer Michael Moreci (Hoax Hunters, Burning Fields) begins the tale in a scene that combines elements of Jason Bourne and John Wick, introducing us to a man who is brought on to do one thing and one thing only, to visit death on those who have earned it through their deeds. Walking into a betting parlor where a dog fight ring takes center stage, this unnamed assassin speaks with his employer, a man named Gabriel. With a surfeit of internal monologue, the assassin sets out to track down his target and, as the story unfolds, the lines between good and evil, right and wrong, are blurred and confused as the issue closes on a supernatural cliffhanger image. Let’s backtrack for a moment though to where I mentioned the surfeit of internal monologue; this is both a boon and a bane to this comic. While the writing is wonderful and adds a noir feel to the book, it is also rather lengthy and presents a rather difficult challenge for letterer Sal Cipriano. There are times in the book where the words overwhelm the art panels and, in my opinion, there seemed to be no easy solution resulting in a drop for both the writing and letter score.
All in all this is a very good book with two flaws that end up detracting from the final score but in no way detract from the experience of reading the book. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of spy novels, action, assassins and crime drama.
Writing – 4 of 5 Stars
Art – 4.25 of 5 Stars
Ink – 3.75 of 5 Stars
Color – 4.25 of 5 Stars
Letters – 3 of 5 Stars
Overall Score – 4 of 5 Stars
Writer – Michael Moreci
Art – C.P. Smith
Color – Snakebite Cortez
Letters – Sal Cipriano
Cover – Jeff Dekal
Published by AWA
In Shops: Mar 18, 2020
Diamond Code: JAN201610
Author Profile
Nemesis is a poet, writer and author of the upcoming novel The Long Game. He is a writer of science fiction and supernatural thrillers. Besides novels and short stories he writes for UK based ASAP Comics developing new stories for Level 8 and OPSEC. Nem is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and tries to bring those experiences into his writing.
He lives and works out of his home in Riverside, California with his wife and three children. When not writing he enjoys reviewing comic books and graphic novels for ComicCrusaders.com and living the Southern California life with his family.
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