We find our wonderful superhero girls doing what they do best. Stopping Crime!! Wonder Woman and Bumblebee are in hot pursuit of 2 acrobatic purse snatchers. They are trying to pull off the greatest purse snatch in the world but as you can guess this doesn“t happen and they get caught by our wonderful hero“s. With these two on their way to prison Wonder Woman checks in with Batgirl and Super Girl to see how they are doing and if they need help catching their criminals but guess what???? All bad guys and gals are accounted for and there is not crime to stop. Happy Days for the girls why I here you say, well this means they can officially start their summer vacations!!!!
Just as they are about to celebrate, a whoosh of speedy something passes them by. So off they go and chase down this unknown force. When they catch him poor though they find out something new about one of their own. Wonder Woman has a brother and he is fast and he comes with a message for her. Her Dad wants her to spend the summer with him”¦”¦. on OLYMPUS.
The other girls are all excited for her but she needs to think about this, he never invited her for the summer before? Why now? And what does he want? What do you do in this type of situation? Call your mum of course. Â This is a good thing as she gets to explain that she is curious about her god side but she is also unhappy that she must leave all her friends behind and so far, away. And like magic her brother appears and tells her Zeus has extended his invitation to any of Wonder Woman“s friends. This seals the deal and she tells her brother that she will join him on Olympus this summer.
Off she goes and starts to invite her friends, but unfortunately, they all have plans. Zeus last-minute invitation hasn“t allowed for others and their plans. Wonder Woman finds it hard to find one of her friends who is free to join her but eventually Bumblebee accepts her invitation and off they go to see the GODS!!!
The rest of the story can be found in Summer Olympus which I may have to read now just to see what happens. This is a nice little story and a good marketing tool for the graphic novel. I think any young fan of the tv show will enjoy this series. Rating 3.5 out of 5
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
- Written by Shea Fontana
Pencils Yancey Labat
Inks Yancey Labat
Colored by Monica Kubina
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