This is the spectacular 25th edition of the Lenore series. This macabre fueled compendium of Roman Dirge“s brain child is odd, mysterious and a bit bonkers. It has its cult following of young goths and unusual and because of this, it has stood the test of time.
Filled with some of Dirge“s favorite story lines such as Babysitting, Queen of the Fairy Gnomes and Beware the Creepig, this book will keep fans happy and make new readers slightly uncomfortable.
The book started off with some of the interesting cover art and the 2 page forward had me actually laughing out loud. Hats off to Mr. Dirge for his ingenious
Dirge has not only written the Lenore books but he also drew and coloured all the art work. Not an easy task by any means but he sticks to his ecstatic and pulls off the weird and wonderful world that has fans coming back for more.
Lenore is simple charters who is not only dead but has a handful of strange and unusual friends who often get caught up in the devastating violence that follows Lenore around. We are not eased in gently to this, the first story “babysitting”“ has birds pecking a baby to death and Lenore being oblivious to it. Such images make you question if its ok to actually laugh but hey it’s a book and it’s bloody funny at times so why the hell not.
Her companions are also slightly off the wallthreadsurprise. He’s still a ragdoll so no teeth. He is not pleased and is unsure why this is happening. With that our Lenore lets him know that it wasn’t blood, it was embalming fluid. She is dead after all. And this is how their friendship begins.
Her next friend is Pootyactually likes and would like to stay so he becomes another friend for Lenore to play with.
This is not a book for everyone, but if like me and sooooo many others you have a sick mind and don’t mind a bit of gore this is definitely a book for you. The art work is simple but effective. The many one liners are hilarious and crazy jokes and pranks Lenore and Pooty pull on ragamuffin are too funny at times. And with 178 pages full of this strange world you won’t be disappointed. Just so you know my favorite story is ” A New Toy”. I only tell you this and no one else so no judging me 😉
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Writer/Artist: Roman Dirge
HC, 176pp, $34.99
Publisher: Titan Comics
On sale:Â September 19, 2017
ISBN: 9781785863042
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