Hell Let Loose- Strategy Based Madness!

Console version!


For those who’s into full strategy, opportunistic aggression, World War Two, then strap them boots and get ready to lose your mind.

Currently there are two countries to play as-

American for allies, and German for axis.

A third is rumored to be coming soon (fingers crossed)





The Two Modes- (50 v 50)

{No waterborne or aerial vehicles}


Each army, the allies and axis, placed on one end of the map.

One is tasked to defend objectives, while the other is to systematically conquer an objective area.

Only one area is available per stint, and each have their own designated time to complete.

Attacker wins by having control of all areas, while Defenders win if the time runs out and the Attackers haven’t collected all areas.

There are five objectives, and each have thirty minutes to complete.

The map will be completely owned by the defenders, but with each loss of objective, they retreat.


Each side starts with owning two objectives, with a neutral in the center of the map. It’s a tug-of-war scenario.

Each side is attacking and defending; attacking the next objective to control while also defending your objective.

With a total of five objectives, only two are active- in order, not random -one per each side.

When an area is lost, the losing team’s active area (to defend) reverts to the next in line.

The attacker’s active area to defend progresses to the newly won area.

In order to win a side must control all objectives, or if the time runs out, own the majority of objectives.

The Lifeblood-

Communication. Working together and organizing movement is the best route to take (in which is the intention).

It’s difficult to win if there is a lack of coordination or agreed tactics.

The line of communication goes; Commander to Officers. Officers to their squad. The Commander doesn’t have a squad.

Units- There are four units to choose from.


Communicates with officers and strategizes movements and placements of supplies and vehicles.

He also control’s bombing runs and strafing runs— utter coordination of all necessary utilities.


Officer, who’s over five soldiers making up their squad, relays commands, and assists by having squad members use appropriate roles.

(Far too many to dive into, but whatever role you’ve selected, do the damn role- don’t be a craven medic, go save those fallen soldiers.)


Officer, who’s over two soldiers making up their squad, same duties apply.

(Two can operate tanks, but three is much better. One to drive, one to control the gunner and one to spot/navigate.)


Officer, who’s over the one soldier (sniper) of their squad, same duties apply, as well as being a spotter for your sniper.


Currently nine. They are great. They used satellite imagery and of-date photos to recreate the entirety of each location to near perfection.


Useful/Pro Tips-

Graphics/Visual- 4/5

Liking the feel of it all. Being suppressed by gunfire completely disrupts your vision, forcing your disengagement. It is a beautiful game.

Sound/Audio- 4/5

Seemingly authentic and aggressive. Very minor issues with orientation and depth, but overall solid.

Gameplay – 4/5

This was lower but a recent update (mid/late OCT) fixed most issues. There are instances where actions are unbearably long— climbing or throwing smokes/grenades —but beyond that, amazing. A lot of fun and fear inducing moments. Mind your spawns. Holding off a major bottleneck/primary route for enemy advancements is stressfully glorious.

Three Likes:

{Drops down, lays still. Enemy pushes forward.} “You fool.”

Three Dislikes:

Final Thoughts-

Amazing. It’s great. Fun and engaging, especially if you’re interested in WWII. Matches are long but fulfilling.


They should make a game for each major war. Say, Korean War? Oh my. The things.

Hell Let Loose- Your K/D while attacking the Beaches of Normandy does not define you.

-Caleb T.

Author Profile

Caleb Taylor
Been fascinated with games from a young age and just never quit it. I've handed my children this way of being in hopes of a future unstoppable trio.
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